Chapter 9.A Fight

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Harry's POV

Niall swung his arm around Olivia's neck, and pulling her in closer. She smiled and happily nuzzled into the crook of his neck, placing one hand on his chest. The gesture was nothing out of the ordinary for them, seeing as how the other boys have all grown so close to Olivia as well. 

I watched them from over my lap top as I typed, pressing the keys just a bit too hard. I studied the way Olivia brushed her fingertips of the top of Niall's hair. Her smile was bright, as usual as she spoke to Liam and Louis from across the way. Zayn giggled at something, throwing a kernel of popcorn at the both of them, causing them to pull away from each other, 

I scoffed. At least now they were apart. Suddenly, Olivia turned her head to glance at me. I quickly looked away, not wanting her to see me get flustered. She smirked and raised an eyebrow before turning back, and plugging her ears as Louis let out one of his famous screeches. 

"Lou! Please!" I shouted, closing my eyes in frustration. The room suddenly grew deathly quiet. I began to type a tweet, but erased it seeing as how it wouldn't fit into one-hundred forty characters. 

I looked back up from my laptop as Olivia rested a hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey Harry, you alright?" Her blue eyes looked saddened, almost disappointed in my behaviour. 

"I'm fine, it's nothing." I shot her a fake smile. She opened her mouth to say something more, but was interrupted as Paul stepped into the room, gesturing that it was time for a sound check. I quickly hopped out of my chair before Olivia could stop me, and exited the room.


"Harry, come with me now." Olivia grasped my hand and stomped up the stair, leading me into our room before shutting the door.

 "What is wrong with you tonight?" She crossed her arms and collapsed onto the couch. Raising an eyebrow, I ran my fingers through my hair. 

"You know what my problem is," I muttered, draping my jacket over the back of the desk chair. She sighed and stood up. 

"I have no idea what your talking about Harry!"

"Like hell you don't!  Must  you spend so much time flirting with Niall in front of me?" She blinked, her arms limply hanging to her side. She sighed and shuffled her feet against the carpet.

"Would you rather me do it when your not around?" A smirk curled on her lips and she leaned in for a kiss. I backed away, 

"I'd rather you not do it at all!" I spat, cornering her into the wall. "If you want him, go I'm not stopping you. Don't stand there and pretend like you  actually care!"  

She staggered back, fear and hurt overcoming her eyes. I softened, and stared into her eyes. 

"Harry, I..." She trailed off, her gaze turning to something else. I sighed angrily and stepped away from her in frustration. I lightly banged the wall with my fist, shoving my other hand deep into my trouser pocket.

"You asshole." She whispered. I stopped, slowly turning to face her, biting my lip.

"What did you just say?"

"You ASSHOLE! I love you!" Olivia screamed, a fat tear rolling down her cheek. "I wanted to make it special. I wanted everything to be perfect between us! But if your going to get jealous over a friend, then I don't know what to think!" She opened the door and stepped out into the hall, pausing briefly before storming off.

"Olivia, wait!"

"I'm pregnant Harry." She whispered softly. My heart dropped into the very pit of my stomach.

"W-what?" I gulped, shakily holding onto the desk behind me for support as a sick feeling came over me.  She shook her head slowly before loudly slamming the door. 

What have I done?

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