Chapter 17.A Birthday

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Harry's POV

"Happy birthday to you," My soft raspy voice called out. I smiled as Olivia looked up from her pillow, her face expression tired and weary. She groaned loudly.

"Go away Harry," She mumbled before snuggling deeper into the warm and cozy sheets. The warm sunlight poured onto her back, making her sigh happily.

"Happy birthday to you," A familiar Irish accented voice sang. Olivia continued to ignore us. I heard  the others slowly stalking into the room.

"Get out! Let me sleep!" Olivia groaned.

"Happy BIRTHDAY DEAR OLIVIA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!" Her eyes snapped open as all five of the boys jumped onto the bed, yanking the warmth of the blanket off of her. Louis was smiling as he jumped up and down. Niall was softly strumming his guitar, still humming the tune. 

"BOYS!" Olivia screamed, jumping up from her side of the bed. The other boys laughed and sang the annoying song once more. She grit her teeth and tossed her head back onto the pillow, hiding it underneath. 

"C'mon Olivia, lighten up! It's your birthday!" I exclaimed, throwing his hands up into the air happily. 

"Whatever," She mumbled, sitting back up with her back against the wall. Olivia's eyes widened as she saw the boys and I lining up, each one holding out a small present. "Oh, you didn't have to get me anything!" She gasped. Zayn giggled, a sweet smile curling onto his lips as he gently placed his gift into her lap. 

He nudged Olivia softly, motioning towards the neatly wrapped present. Her nervous fingers trailed over the pink pastel colored paper. With a sudden burst of excitement, she ripped it open and gasped as the sun bounced off a shiny pair of silver earrings. Immediately, she held them up to admire them. 

"Oh Zayn, they're so lovely! Thank you so much!" Olivia squealed, hugging him as tight as I could. He laughed and pat my back. The boys screeched as she planted a kiss onto Zayn's cheek. I squirmed as I watched them.

"My turn!! Out of the way Zayn," Liam shoved Zayn away, making him stumble and laugh as he headed out of the room. Liam thrust a silver package in front of her, a blush crawling onto his face. 

"Ahw, Liam!" Olivia cooed, pinching his pink apple cheeks. He frowned and slowly rubbed where she had touched him. She yanked the box open. Inside was a giant box of chocolates, each one frosted with bright squiggly frosting. Her bright eyes lit up with excitement as she shoved one of them in her mouth. 

Liam laughed and snatched one of the truffles out of the box before squirming past me and out of the room after Zayn. 

"Thank you Liam!!" Olivia shouted, her mouth full of chocolate. She tossed the lovely box aside, smiling brightly at Louis as he stepped forward. 

"Here you are love! Wrapped it m'self!" He snapped his suspenders as he dropped the present on the bed next to her. She frowned as she picked up the horribly wrapped gift. It looked like a crumpled up piece of paper, with several rolls of tape used as it was wound around it many times. It stuck to her long slender fingers, catching on her pink fingernails. Louis just stood there, smiling proudly at his handiwork.

"This is..." Olivia started, "wonderful Louis," She mumbled, pursing her lips as she struggled to tear it open. Finally, it ripped open, sending a trinket flying onto the sheets. 

"Oh, Louis!" She gasped in wonder as she held up a necklace with a purple butterfly attached at the end. It sparkled in the sunlight, tiny rainbows dancing across the walls. 

She threw herself at Louis, squeezing him tight. "Thank you so much!" Louis laughed and hugged her back. Niall took Lou's place as he left, nervously holding out the pink bag that was lined with white trim. Olivia stared at Niall in wonder, a gorgeous smile on her face. 

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