Chapter 11.A Baby

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Harry's POV

"Harry?" A small knock made me turn my head. It was Liam. He bit his lip as he watched Olivia's chest slowly rise and fall.  "We brought you some breakfast," He smiled and grabbed a tray that someone held out to him.  

"Morning already?" I croaked, rubbing my eyes tiredly. Olivia was still holding my hand. 

I smiled weakly but turned away. "Thank you, but I can't eat now." I coughed as my voice came out raspy. Liam frowned and set the tray on a side table, grabbing the glass of orange juice and handing it to me. 

"Here, at least drink something. You sound horrible." 

"Thanks," My throat rejoiced as the cold liquid hit my lips. Closing my eyes, I drank the whole glass before gasping for air. I carefully set it back onto the tray and went back to staring at Olivia's perfect face.

"Must have been extra thirsty this morning." Liam smiled. "How's she holding up?" He nodded towards Olivia, a serious look crawling onto his face. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, letting out a yawn before replying.

"Well the doctor hasn't reported anything new,  but he thinks that Olivia may be having some kind of sickness that would make her body act like it did. They're still trying to clear things up." I said, rubbing small circles into her hand. She didn't look too good. Dark circles underlined her eyes, and her ragged breath grew sharper and quicker by the hour. Beads of sweat had formed on her forehead as she licked her lips.

Suddenly, her eyes started to flicker. Olivia moaned and tried to sit up before I gently pushed her back down.  

"I feel sick," She moaned and held her stomach, closing her eyes in pain.

"Easy now, everything's going to be alright." I assured her, smoothing back her hair.

"Where am I? Who are you?" 

"...Baby? It's me Harry, you don't remember?" She smiled as if an old memory had suddenly played back. Her eyes drooped again as she nodded slowly. 

"Yes...yes I remember you. Your my boyfriend." My heart leaped at the sound of her voice, her beautiful melodic voice. The machine that was strapped to her beeped louder and louder, I grit my teeth in annoyance, and kissed Olivia lightly on her rosy red cheek. 

"Well, she's looking much better today! How ya' doing sweetheart?" The doctor leaned over and cooed at her like she was some helpless baby. Olivia's not helpless, and she certainly isn't a baby. He huffed before pulling his clipboard out from behind his back, reviewing several pages. 

"Looks like Olivia has been working it out slowly.She may need to stay a bit longer, but she'll be home soon." The doctor smiled, his bright white teeth almost shining. I swear, if he leaned a little closer to the sun, he might have blinded me with his horrific smile. 

"Are you sure? She looks quite pale, does she need some water? Another blanket?" I whispered. The doctor chuckled and shook his head from side to side. 

"She'll be fine. Your worrying to much about her, now please if I could speak to you outside?" The doctors voice suddenly became serious as he turned towards me. Olivia slipped her hand out of mine and smiled to herself, mumbling little things that were carried away by the shuffling of my feet. 

The doctor, or as I should refer to him as 'Dr. GoodieTwoShoes' quietly shut the door, leaving Olivia alone. I bit my lip. I should be with her there. 

"Listen, I didn't want to worry Olivia, but she has caught an extremely severe case of the her case she might just hold up until it passes. But.." The doctor sighed dramatically, "don't get your hopes up yet." 

I felt my throat choke up as I blinked back the tears. There was still a sliver of hope, and I plan to hang on to that little sliver with all of my heart.


Three months later...

"What should we name her Harry?" Olivia smiled as she rubbed her tummy. A little bump had already begun to form. Zayn smirked and rubbed his chin. 

"Darcy!" I quickly cried. Olivia cringed and shook her head lightly. Chuckling to myself, I considered the other options. Zayn laughed and suddenly looked uninterested as a text pinged onto his phone.

"No, Sorry babe but I'm never naming her that horrid name!" She widened her eyes as a playful smile spread on her face. I pouted like a puppy, pretending that I was actually hurt. Ignoring me, she continued to think.

"Lily. Lily Madeline." She stated simply as she looked back down at me.  A twinkle of happiness sparkled in her eyes. Nodding my head quickly, I grabbed her hand and rubbed it softly. 

Suddenly my heart dropped to the very pit of my stomach as I glanced back up at Olivia. She smiled back at me, her eyes growing tired and weary.  

"We'll have her soon, don't worry."

"Olivia, she is...mine right?" I choked out the words, squeezing her hand as I forced the words to form. Niall looked up, his face squinty and red. He looked back down again, pretending to be texting on his phone.

"Yes...Of course he is Harry, how could I be with anyone else?" Olivia barely managed to spit the words out as she nervously began to stir in her position.  

Niall sighed, running his hand through his light blond hair before staring at the ground again, his becoming immensely red. Frowning, I pat his shoulder. No response. 

"Harry we will go home soon...won't we?" Olivia whispered, her voice low and hoarse. I nodded as quickly as I could, a shaky nervous smile crawling on my face. I pat her stomach, the baby bump seeming larger than it is.

"Of course!"


Liam's POV (Yay Liam!)

I could almost feel the tension in the room drop, as if everything bad had just melted away. Olivia and Harry were hugging, tears streaming down their faces. God they were so dramatic together. 

I bet they would do great in a play. I needed to get out of here, the hot stuffy room was making me sweat. Rolling my eyes and giggling at the sight of them, I stood up quickly and left the room, waving goodbye to the rest of the boys. I rushed out of the hospital, eagerly taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

"Liam!!" A girly screech made me whip my head towards the sound. A fan girl jumped up and down excitedly. I put on a fake smile and shoved my hands into my pockets, kicking at the rocks on the pavement. The girl ran towards me and excitedly held out a cd and sharpie. Did she just carry these things on here?

"Liam! Liam please sign this!" She squealed as I grabbed the sharpie from her hand, our fingers brushing against each other lightly. After I signed it, she hurried away to her car. I chuckled as I shook my head. Girls. Seriously.  

Sighing, I made my way back inside to seek out Harry again.

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