Chapter 1.A Bump On The Head

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**EDIT** Please don't read this. It's my first ever fanfiction, it sucks donkey butt. I hate eht!! But hey, it's my first.


Read ahead at your own risk >.<


I gulped nervously as I saw the line to the autograph table slowly grew shorter and shorter. My hands shook with excitement as I held two cd's in my hand. It had a picture of one direction on it, all of them smiling happily. I stared at them, scanning their perfect faces. 

"Could everyone take a step to their right please!" I snapped out of my daze as a squealing girl lunged at Niall, making him jump back. Her long brown hair bounced up and down in his face as she reached out her arms, attempting to grab him. 

Security shouted to each other, and one of them grabbed her by the arm and yanked her away from Niall, leaving him to gasp in fright. Zayn pat his shoulder lightly as he looked at him with worry. The girl screeched, her voice resonating against the walls of the room. 

"Niall I love you!" Security ignored her and pulled her further away. A deep silence filled the room as everyone watched her being escorted from the building. 

I could see small tears forming in his eyes. I knew he was scared, he gets claustrophobic like that when fans attack him. Zayn hugged him, and pat his back, making Niall smile and thumbs up a security guard. The fans cheered, and Niall smiled. Damn he was cute.

After the band took a deep breath, another security guard stepped in, taking place of the last one. 

"Everyone keep moving!" The voices started to rise back up again, several more girls screaming with delight  behind me. 

Suddenly I held my breath as I realised it was my turn to go up. The girl behind me poked my back.

"Hey, you gonna go now or what?" I turned around to face her and frowned. She had beach blonde hair that reached her chest. She smacked on her gum as she applied another layer of her cherry red lipstick. She pushed up her boobs, making her cleavage show through her skimpy tank top. As if they weren't showing enough. I made a face and turned away quickly. Her hand pushed against my back, her fake nails digging into my skin, forcing me to step forward. I shook uncontrollably as I held out the CD to Zayn. He smiled at me, and scribbled on them with his black marker.

"Hi Zayn, how a-are you?" I smiled weakly and waved. 

Zayn looked up at me and winked. "Hey I'm doin' good, thanks love!"  I smiled like an idiot.

"There you are," He handed it down to Niall, Liam, and Louis. I slowly made my way down the line, shyly waving at each boy. My heart skipped a beat when Harry quickly scribbled. He looked up at me and back down again before suddenly snapping his head up in surprise. His mouth opened a bit and he stared before Louis elbowed him and he shook his head.

"Erm, what's your name babe?" A shudder went through my body as he spoke. I stared into his eyes, getting lost in the beautiful little pools of green that surrounded his pupil. He coughed, bringing me back to reality.

"Uh, it's um...Olivia."  A small smile curled upon his lips as he wrote something more. He handed it back to me when he finished, winking at me before turning back to the next fan. I sighed with relief and sadness. 

The girl behind me laughed and twirled her hair. "Outta my way loser, it's my turn now!" She shoved me onto the floor. I screamed as my head slammed against the cold concrete floor.  Everything spun around me, and I felt a small drop of blood running down the side of my face. The girls screeched and recoiled away from me. 

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