Chapter 7.A Visit

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Harry's POV

I watched her sleep as I gently ruffled her hair. She looked so peaceful, so perfect. I bit my lip as I realised that I was falling for her. Was I? I didn't know. But she was everything I've looked for. My finger trailed down her face, her forehead, nosem and down to her lips.She moaned and turned over to face me.

Slowly, her eyes cracked open and she smiled up at me. Her beautiful blue eyes closed once more as she leaned in for a kiss. I backed away, chuckling a bit.

"Tease," She pouted.

"Aren't I?" I looked up at the ceiling, debating on wether or not to take a shower. Suddenly, Olivia poked me, her nail scratching my side.



"Do you hate me?" I frowned, my eyebrows furrowing together. Turning to her, I watched as she stared at the wall, her emotions unreadable.

"Everyone I know seems to." She whispered, barely being heard.

"What do you mean everyone?" I said, my heart racing faster.

"Everyone. Everyone I ever knew...except for you Harry." Olivia still watched the wall, her hands resting on the pillow beside her. I shifted in the bed so I was snuggling her tighter.

"My parents hated me. They told me I was a mistake, and I was nobody," She turned to me, "They said I was nothing, and I would never have anyone to have to myself."

My eyes widened in surprise and I hugged her close to myself, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Olive, you know I love you." She gave me a weak smile as I whispered into her ear. She let out a shaky breath, opening her mouth as if she was going to say something but stopped herself.

"Harry, they hit me." Olivia blurted. She bit her lip, nervous of my reaction. Her eyes closed and I forced her to look back at me. Small tears formed in her perfectly blue eyes, making me sigh. Leaning forward, I kissed her.

Her soft lips touched with mine, my warm hand rustling through her dark hair. Suddenly she pulled away from me, searching my eyes for a sign of emotion. Tears burned in the back of my eyes, and I blinked them back. Biting my lip, I crashed back onto her, the kiss becoming passionate.

She pulled away again. "Harry, don't cry. Please don't," I couldn't help it as I sobbed, still kissing her. I was so angry, so upset. How could anyone do this to her?

"Harry? I think it's time we met my mom."


Olivia's POV

"Harry," I mumbled before grabbing Harry's hand. He sighed and motioned for Paul to wait outside the house.

"Why are we here?" Niall asked as he stepped out of the van. The boy's heads poppped out from the sides, looks of curiosity on their faces.

"Niall stay, this is between Olive and me." With a look of hurt in his eyes, Niall slowly nodded and got back in the van with the others. Paul shut the doors and followed us towards the house.

I shuddered as I stared at the little white house. So many memories were made here. Bad ones at that. The white paint was peeling all around the house, making it look old and haunted. Glancing back, I smiled seeing the rose bush still standing by the porch.

Every single year, a beautiful red rose would grow upon the tangle of thorns, and I would pick it to hide in my room. It was the only thing I had that was beautiful.

"Are you sure you want to do this Olive?" I nodded, and pounded on the door. We waited for what seemed like two minutes. Just before I was going to knock again, the door opened. It revealed my mother. Her brown greasy hair was tangled up into a loose ponytail. Her blue polo was covered in unidentifiable stains. I grimaced, and shrank back into Harry as his arm tightened around my waist.

"And just where the sam hell do you think you've been?"  I swallowed hard, and braced myself for what came next.

"Mom, I've been living with the One Direction boys." My mom pursed her lips, and grabbed the hem of my shirt yanking me towards her before throwing me down on the ground. She huffed with annoyance as Harry dashed to my side gently helping me to the ground.

"Who's this boy? Been sleeping with him no doubt. I knew you were a slut." Sighing, she hit her chest as she let out a wet cough.

"Your horrid!" Harry shouted as he stood me up and placed me behind him. My mother grunted and tucked a strand of her straggly brown hair behind her ear. Likely hasn't been washed in months. As I looked around the house, I realised just how messy it had gotten. Empty alcohol bottles spread out all over the floor, foul smelling dishes piled up in the sink, and ciggarette butts singed into the carpet.

"You, come with me." My mom pointed her grubby finger towards me and made a come hither motion. Terrified, I began to inch towards my mother. Harry stopped me, pushing me back behind him protectively.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. But she's my daughter, and she's not going to go strutting out with some boy like you!"

"Miss Rose, you can't take her away from me. She is eighteen years of age, and she is moving in with me. For good," Harry stated as he stared my mother straight in the eye. Something changed in my mother's eyes, from being mean and ruthless to soft and...almost kind.  She smiled, and walked towards me, but Harry took a step back, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth pursed into a thin line.

"My sweet Olivia, you don't want to go with him right?" She smiled, showing her yellowed teeth. "He'll probably just break your heart again like the others,"

"What others?" Harry said as he turned towards me. A new look of sadness washed over his face and I wanted to wipe it away so badly with a kiss.

"Your lying! Your a lying, cruel, and evil woman! I never had anyone to talk to, let alone see! The only thing that I had in my life was you. And you beat me. And hurt me. And abused me in every single way you could POSSIBLY THINK OF!" I screamed, pushing Harry aside to face my mother. Tears sprung to my eyes but I quickly wiped them away angrily.

"I'm leaving, whether you like it or not." I stated bluntly. "Let's go Harry." Grabbing my hand, Harry led me out of the house, leaving behind my stunned mother. As we stepped into the van I smiled, a feeling of relief washing over me. The boys leaned in towards me.

"How did everything go?" Zayn asked as his head snapped up from his cellphone. His fingers still flew across the keypad, typing something into his phone.

"It was fine!" Smiling, I bounced into the seat next to Niall, sneaking away some of his Oreo's without him looking.

"Now, who votes for Nando's?" Turning away, I quickly hid the tear that streamed down my cheek.

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