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"Please..please please please."

A soft hand was wrapped around mine.

"Don't leave me. Please, Aly..you're the only one that would stay..you cant go.."

I heard crying. Not any normal crying, actual emotion crying.

"Please, Aly..wake up..come back to me.."

"You are the only thing that's right about this broke world.."

I couldn't move.


"I was alone..I was a frozen lake..but then you melted me away.."

"Aly..don't go.."

"Sir, visiting hours are over. I'm sorry she still can't talk."

"Not your fault." He sniffled.

He kissed my hand and whispered "I'll be back tomorrow, meine traumfrau."

He got drove away and I couldn't say anything to him.

I wish I could.


"I'm back." I heard the familiar voice speak.

"God..I hate seeing you like this..so weak..you'll be home soon.."

The same hand held my hand, kissing it.

"When you get back, we can cuddle and sleep together. And have a wedding."

A wedding?!

"I want you to wake up..the ring..it can't wait to be open to the new world..it's your favorite color, too..black with the gleaming purple."

"Don't die." He put his forehead on my hand. "Don't die."

He kept repeating that for a while.

"Sir?" A nurse came in.

"Yeah?" He sniffed.

"We are gonna try to inject her with a serum that'll awaken her muscles. Mind getting out for a bit?"

"Of course." He stood up and left.

No, J...come back..

I'm scared of needles.

lunacy (jd x reader)Where stories live. Discover now