twenty eight

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Still JD's POV

"The circulation is not bad, but not good."


"Doing horrible. CPR is necessary. Breathing isn't good."

"Start CPR! Start it!"

"She needs to cough up the smoke but her airway isn't doing so good. We need the clear the smoke ourselves."

I stared at her.

My own fiancees body.'re suffering. Please, cooperate with them. Please breathe.

"Take the oxygen face mask! Her heart is fighting!"

"You're doing great, sweetheart," a doctor spoke to her body.

You cant even last in this car. Open the door and jump out. She's dead. she's not! She hasn't flat lined!


Fuck off.


"Stay with me, Aly..Jesus Christ, what did you do..? Why did you try this?"

Cough. Cough cough.

"Cough it all up, baby. Breathe."

"How is she doing, sir?"

"She's been coughing."

The doctor widened her eyes.

"In here, stat!" She called over some doctors.


Where's our alone time, Aly?


"In the next few minutes, she should be able to move a few limbs."

I smiled.

Move, baby, move.

"I'd prevent you from kissing her." The doctor winked.

I laughed, but it still hurt.

You cut open my heart, baby, can't just leave me to bleed.

1 minute passed by.

I held her hand, hoping she would tighten her fingers.

"I was working on a song. You heard it once, right? In the shower. I wish I had my guitar so you could hear it."

I hummed.

Freeze your brainnnn. Suck on that straw, get lost in the pain. Happiness comes when everything numbs. Who needs cocaine? Freeze your brainnn. Freeze your brainnn.

I felt it.

The tighten.

"Baby!" I was shocked.

"I'm here, baby, I'm here."

"Any limbs moved?"

"A grip on my hand."

"Perfect. We can try to put some serums in her to suck out any weakness in the limbs. Do you wanna stay or go?"

"I'm scared of needles."

"I think I'll stay." I held her hand tighter.


Freeze your brain. Swim in the ice, get lost in the pain. Shut your eyes tight, til you vanish from sight. Freeze your brain! Shatter your skull, fight pain with more pain! Forget who you are, forget in six weeks, you'll be back on the road. The voice in your head says youre better off dead.

"Just freeze your brainnnn," I laid back, still holding her hand. "Freeze your brainnn..go on and freeze your brainnnnnn."


I was in shock.

She spoke! I told you she wasn't dead!

She will be eventually.

"Shhh..shhhh shhh baby..don't hurt yourself."

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, then began to cough and hack.

"Shhh, baby.." I pat her back.

I saw tiny black clouds arrive from her mouth.

"It's okay. You're here. You're with me. I'm with you. I won't leave you."

She coughed. "A....are you.....gonna be here.....for.....foreve....?"

"Of course. Til death do us part." I put my forehead on her hands and kissed her hands.

That sweet ocean breeze with roses. The smell I missed. I can smell it through all the smoke.

" we.....still get mar--cough--ied....?"

"Of course. Nothing will stop us from marriage. I love you."

"I love you too.." she clearly said, as if she was meant to say it.

"I love you more. I love you most. I love you no matter what."

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