Devil's Night (Chris Motionless & Ricky Horror)

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"Ricky! Ricky, are you almost done yet?!" My friend Josh who we call Balz, asked, pounding on the bathroom door. I rolled my eyes and said "Hold on!" He groaned and said "You take forever! C'mon, I wanna get druuuunnk!" I sighed and said "Almost done!" He groaned and bitched, but I'm ready when I say I'm ready. Tonight is the best night of the year...Halloween! It's the best day ever! Dressing up in costumes, getting drunk and doing reckless things, letting the freak in you come crawling out of the shadows...It's the best night of the year. And in celebration for this kick ass holiday, my friends and I are going to a costume party at a bar, to drink and let our spirits soar. I wanna look good, cause I wanna find a hot guy there..Yep, I'm Gay. Why? I dunno, I've just never really liked girls much...They just get so loud and annoying, and they're so fucking needy! So yeah, I bat for the other team.

"Oh my fucking God, dude! How long does it take you to put on makeup and straighten your hair?!" I shook my head and said "If you keep bitching, I'll make you wait all fucking night, so shut the fuck up and wait, Joshua!" He groaned and said "Fine! You win!" I chuckled and finished up my makeup. I decided to go with a skeleton look, by putting black makeup around my eyes and my mouth, but not painting my face white. I'm wearing ripped up black super skinnies, a black shirt with a skeleton design, black Vans, and a black skeleton hoodie. Gotta look the part, right? After completing my makeup, I went on to straightening my long black hair. I usually don't take long to get it done. After getting that taken care of, I took one last look in the mirror, before walking out. I saw all my friends TJ, Balz, Ryan, and Angelo sitting there, talking amongst themselves. They were dressed up too.

TJ dressed up as someone who got stabbed, wearing a right white T-Shirt with fake blood all over the stomach and a long cut through the fabric. Angelo was a Vampire..The Lost Boys kind of vampire, not he sparkly sparkly glitter bullshit done by Stephanie Myer. Ryan was a zombie, and Balz was an escaped mental patient..Yep, just a normal bunch of psychos. (A/N: In this one, Balz will have his old hair before he cut it.) "About damn time, dude, geez." TJ said. I rolled my eyes and asked "Are we gonna go, or what?" They chuckled and we headed out.


(30 Minutes Later~)

I sat awkwardly on a stool at the bar, and watched everyone. TJ was with this blond slut dressed like a slutty Nurse and they were basically sucking each other's faces off, Ryan was talking and flirting with this pretty girl dressed as a Witch, and Balz and Angelo were hammered and dancing like fucking idiots. I just sighed and sat there alone. I hate being single...Especially on my favorite night of the year. I was looking down at my feet, when I was approached by someone. I looked up to see this bleach blond skank with huge fake boobs, way too much makeup on, and an orangish fake tan, smiling at me. She was dressed up as a sexy cop, and her boobs were basically spilling out of her outfit..Eww. "Hi there cutie, why you over here all by your lonesome?" I shrugged and said "I don't know." She bit her lip and asked "Well, mind if I stay keep you company?" I chuckled and said "Yeah actually, I do mind...You're barking up the wrong tree there, officer." I slid off the stool and went over to Ryan so I could tell him I was gonna bounce. But something didn't feel right. It felt like someone was watching me.

I turned and looked through the sea of faces, before my eyes landed on a guy. He was tall, fit, and was wearing a black suit with a black masquerade mask. There was just something about him so...Alluring and mysterious..It was kinda sexy. But then I realized, he was looking right at me. I felt my face get hot and I stood frozen. His eyes never left me, not even for a second. I didn't know what to do, and he started making his way over to me. He pushed his way through the crowd, never letting me leave his sight. Why was he coming over to me? There are a ton of drunk sluts with daddy issues, for the picking. Oh God if you exist, please let him be Gay! When he got to me, he stood just a few feet from me. His eyes were hidden by his festive mask, and I wish I could see them. He kept walking until he was standing only feet from me.

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