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Smexy POV
I smelled a sweet smell. It wasn't like any woman I had smelled before. It smelled strange. Like it wasn't a woman. It smelled like a weaker me. Was I smelling a man? It cant be. I only like women. At least I thought I only liked women.

(Y/n) POV
I heard somebody mumbling to themselves. I was walking through the park. It was close to midnight. I didn't want to know what kind of person would be out here at this time of the night. I ran to my house making sure to stay quiet. I didn't want them to hear me or God knows what they would have done to me. I made it to my house and decided to take a shower. I locked the door to my bathroom  and pulled a towel off the shelf. I turned the shower on and began getting undressed when I heard a knock at my door.

Smexy POV
I followed the scent to a house and didn't even realize my hand had knocked until I heard somebody shout  "who is it?" I ran into the woods behind the house. I have to tell my brother what's happening to me.

(Y/n) POV
I didnt get an answer so I just ignored it and stepped into the nice hot shower

Hey guys I think this is a good spot to leave off at. I honestly don't think when I write these I just put what comes to mind on paper. I have to make this a lemon because of smexy. If you dont know offenderman is smexy I'm not gonna write out offenderman 50 times so sorry. But honestly how can you not make a non-lemon offenderman story he is literally a srx maniac. Well I'm gonna go to sleep I hope you liked it. Love you.


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