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Thanks for the help DuckyTin and Im_The_Trash

(Y/n) POV
I wake up under some covers in a really comfortable bed. I open my eyes to a room I've never seen before. I look around and see I'm in an office. I stand up and go to the door. I feel cold and look at what I'm wearing. The same pair of boxers. At least I know nothing happened then. I open the door and look out of it. In the hall I see a little girl with brown hair and a pink tattered dress playing with dolls. I can only see her back so I dont get to good of a look at her. I look the other direction and am confused by what I see. I see a tall black and white monochrome clown man. I also see a man with pale grey skin and a blue mask covering part of his face. The clown looks like hes about seven feet tall maybe more. Hes hunched over facing the wall that he has the grey skinned male pinned to. They basically have their tounges down eachothers throats. I want to leave this room but both directions are blocked. One by the little girl and the other by the...cosplayers? I go back and sit down on the bed again. About five minutes go by and I'm zoned out when the door begins to open. BEN walks in. I scoot back into the corner and cover myself with the blanket. BEN walks over to me. "I'm not going to hurt you...unless you want me to." I slowly uncover myself and see hes holding a plate of food. My favorite breakfast to be exact. I fully uncover my top half and sit forward a bit. He hands me the food and sits beside me. "Go on eat up." I decide to listen to him and take a bite of food. The flavor was amazing. My taste buds were dancing. Once I was finished he took the dish and left the room. About three minutes later he comes back in. I'm laying down on the bed again. Im almost asleep when he climbs into the bed and cuddles me. Im to tired to fight back and within a matter of seconds I'm asleep.

HHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I hate this but I needed to write something for you guys. Yo little girls art tablet arrived today. Ok I didnt sleep last night and its 9:06 am. Imma take a nap. See yall later. Bye


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