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I wake up to find BEN is gone. I sit up stretching. I look around. It's dark out. I have no clue what time it is but it seems pretty late. I stand and go to the door. I might as well explore. Especially when I'm in a house full of killers. Maybe one of them will end it all for me. So I wont be in this hell any more. I go up to the door. I hesitate but eventually open the door. I walk out and shout it behind me. It's hard to see but a couple of the rooms lights are still on. I walk down the hall the only light coming from underneath the doors. I come to the end and it splits. The left side has stairs going up. The right has stairs going down. I go down the right side. Once downstairs I smell a delicious aroma. I follow the smell. I stop at a door. I walk inside and find three people. All of them wearing some sort of mask.

The first one has a grey striped mouth guard. He is also wearing a hoodie. The hoodie has a brown body, his sleeves are striped with grey and brown, his hood is a dull navy blue. He is wearing dirty blue Jean's. On his Jean's he has a belt that's holding two hatchets. On the right side is a newer full metal hatchet, and on the left there is an older one with a wooden base. The wood is chipped and cracked. He also had some light brown hair and dull grey eyes that are covered by a pair of bright orange goggles.

The second person has a ski-mask-like-mask. Its base is full black but it has bright red eyes sewn onto it. The frown that is seen on is a duller red but still somehow still bright. He has a beautiful but somewhat dirty neon orange hoodie on. He has on some dusty black pants. He had a hollister on his waist holding a small hand gun.

The third person had a white mask with black features being two upside down u shaped eyebrows, and very feminine lips. He had a khaki colored windbreaker. His blue jeans seemed cleaner than the other twos pants. He had beautiful dark chocolate brown hair that framed his mask perfectly. (I dont even like Tim why am I making him seem so perfect?) Like the second guy he had the same hollister and hand gun.

When they noticed me they grabbed their weapons. I held my hands up in surrender. "Who a-are yo-ou?" The one with the mouth guard twitched out. "I-I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n." I stuttered. "Why are you here?" The one with the black and white mask asked with authority. "The slenderman brought me here. He took me away from his brother." "Which brother?" The one with the orange hoodie quietly asked. "The one with the fadora and trenchcoat. I think his name is...Offenderman?" "Phahahahaha!" The twitching boy broke out in laughter. "What would Offendy want from you?" The frowning boy asked quietly. "Well he saved me from BEN. Ben tried to rape me. After he took me to his place he then tried to rape me. Then Slenderman came and took me here. I spent yesterday being cuddled against my will by BEN." "Wait what?!" The ticking boy shouted without stuttering. "I KNEW BEN WAS GAY!" The monochrome masked boy shouted. "B-but Offen-nder is-isn't." The stuttering boy said. "Mhm." The hooded boy agreed. BEN then came into the room. He had shock on his face when he saw me. He snapped his fingers and it faded black.

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