The Kill

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After the waiter had brought our food and we started eating, Michael looked at me very long. That was a little strange.

" something wrong, Michael?"

"Did you actually got home save the last time we've met?" I saw him smirk. "I mean, your father didn't catch you, right?"
Why does he know...?

One more look at his amused smile told me, that I didn't got away coincidentally from dad.

I was speechless. But it seemed like Michael didn't feel the need to mention that he had been my rescue that night.

" did you get daddy to let you date a bad boy, huh?"he continued.
Good question..

"Uhmm...well..."I stuttered.

"I knew you wouldn't tell him!"Michael smiled like a honeycakepony AN:beside cutiepie my favorite word^^

"But in some way I can understand your daddy. If I had an amazing daughter like you, I'd wrap her up in barbed wire and lock her in the basement, where boys can't find her!" My cheeks turned red. Very red. "Please stop Michael!"I chuckled embarrassed. "Don't treat me as something I am not!"

"Who says you aren't?"he smiled cheeky. "I actually wanted to tell you that you are the most gorgeous lady I've ever dated but if you don't wanna hear the truth, fine by me!"

"Michael please!"I giggled, "You're embarrassing me!"

"Don't tell me nobody has told you this before!"

"Sorry but I have to. You are the first one!"I admitted, still blushing as hell. Michael took another sip of his glass of vine. I hadn't even touched mine yet. Alcohol was not existing in my life.

"Why is this so hard for me to believe, girl?"

While searching for an answer, I viewed the old victorian clock behind him. Almost 9! The two hours were over!

Now I had to handle fast, although I wished I could've sit here with Michael for ages.

"This....this was a very nice evening.."I started silently, "But I think I should go now, for I return before my dad does."

Michael nodded. He reached inside his pocket, grabbed a 100 Dollar note and put it next to the bill. After that, he got up, wiped across his white suit and pulled away my chair so I could get up.

He was simply one hell of a gentleman!

As we stepped outside, I suddenly felt cold. Maybe it was just the weather, maybe the knowledge that in a few seconds the guy next to me would be killed. I looked around and tried to figure out, where Mariah was. But she seemed to be hidden very well.

Michaels long fingers touched my cheek. Gently he pushed my face close towards his.

"Thank you for this beautiful time, Savage!" His lips came up to mine, only the length of a bullet away from mine.
He's gonna kiss me!!!!! Savage, your first kiss!!!

I got ready to feel his warm soft lips on mine, but instead I heard the shot of a gun.

School has started and that means almost no updates:( So freaking sorry guys!
Buuuuut still please VOTE, stay tuned for more and COMMENT your current opinion to this^^
I love y'all<3

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