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Abel Rose. That was the name of the body he has now resided in.

What's his impression of the original? Well a complete F***** asshole to tell you the truth. Why? Oh don't worry hunny you'll find out.

Abel Rose, 24 years of age and is a ger still in his prime youth. He was quite the beauty and was a citizen of country A raised by middle-class parents who spoiled him endlessly even though they don't got much wealth nevertheless the Ger lived quite a fruitful life.

So how did the male lead, Damien Walters came across the original body? Well both parties met when Abel was 18 years old while Damien, on the other hand, was 22.

Damien was in the city most well renown club drinking in comfort when he happens to chance upon Abel who was dancing on the dance floor with a couple of friends.

The male lead during that time was a young heir who wanted to live a little while having no strings attach and since he had the all so famous male lead aura, of course, it caught many people attention including the young Abel who gazed hungrily at his way.

Abel happens to spot the famous heir of the well-known technology company on the upper floor of the club, currently gazing down the entire floor sweeping from left to right time to time.

The current thoughts that went through the youthful Ger that night was to just have at least a one night of passion with the handsome Adonis, after all who wouldn't?!

Let's just call it a goal on his bucket list to achieve.

So with resolute and a purpose in mind, the original Abel began to start sending flirtatious glances at the male ways, who immediately caught on.

Of course, though the Male lead was young and cold he was still a young man in his prime nonetheless and immediately took notice of the Ger with the pretty face.

One thing lead to another both Abel and the Damien ended up hooking up. Even though Damien was a careful fellow but he still couldn't escape the grasp of the lord an all mighty sir broken condom that tear during their intimate heated sex sesh without the two realising until it was too late.

As weeks past by since Abel and Damien night together, Abel started to recently feel sick in the stomach with the constant vomiting, crazy cravings and sudden mood swings, he eventually went to get a checkup under the constant urge of his frantic parent pleading.

So upon getting check by the doctors under various scans and blood tests the doctor came back with the results in hand, he was in fact 4 weeks pregnant.

This is when thing took a turn and where Biming started to loathe the original being, thus is the beginning of the slag mama story.

At first, when Abel found out he was pregnant he wanted to completely get rid of it, seeing that having the child only means losing a lot of fun and costing a hefty load of sum to raise, it was just a no go for him.

It was only when under his parent begging did he put the abortion idea on hold. Though his mother and father were happy to finally have a grandchild they were curious to know who the baby father is, so started to interrogate the original for answers.

As the original thought back to his last hookup he immediately remembers the heir of Q Techs and immediately started his plan on asking for responsibility after all who would pass in the opportunity and wealth of such a promising heir.

He also knew Damien character, he could just tell the man would want to be in this child's life.

Giving the answer to his parents that he will only keep the baby unless 'that' man takes responsibility. Of course his parent were quite disappointed on their child personality and even more knowing he was scheming his way using the life of their grandchild as a tool.

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