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"Come here cutie and let Mama embrace you!" were the words Abel seem to manage to blurt out.

It only took a spans of seconds for him to register what he just spouted, he automatically slap his hand over his mouth covering his lips, from a blank expression to instantly transforming into a face full of embarrassment.

Repeatedly he gave a big mental facepalm to himself. Did he just? Oh god! Why does he always speak his mind at the most serious times!

Abel anxiously lifted his head up hoping that he didn't scare the wits out of his son from his abnormal behaviour, he just didn't know what to say within the moment.

Just seeing the adorable little bun made him have the urge to snatch the boy up and immediately squish him into his embrace.

You really can't blame him, bah! He can't resist anything cute especially a bun who's now his child.

Alex froze on the spot after hearing his mama out bursts. Was he really hearing things or did his mama told him that he wanted to hug him?! A burst of hope ignited in his chest as he started to take little steps, hesitantly and anxiously approaching forward to his beautiful mama's way.

All that went through his little mind, if this was all just those usual dreams he had every night.

A ray of emotions flashes in his hazel orbs whether it was fear that this was all just an illusion or the glint of hope that's telling him this was, in fact, no illusion but a reality.

Once he got to the bed edge, Alex lifted his little head up somewhat tense and nervous for his mama next actions, it was only when he felt a sudden burst of courage did he stretch both hands up, eyes closed shut as he awaited his Mama next move.

Abel who was dying in embarrassment at first soon softened his gaze at the little boy who's standing at the side with his eyes closed and body slightly trembling possible from fear or anticipation, though he hopes it's the second option.

Minutes soon gone by with Alex still having both of his little hands outstretch still awaiting on the spot, he slowly felt his hope was diminishing thinking that his wishes could never come true, until unexpectedly he felt two pair of warm hands wrap firmly against his waist, he felt the feeling of being lifted into the air for a short second of time before his body descended back down.

He still had his eyes closed when suddenly he heard a gentle lukewarm voice spoke in front of him. "Hehe, you could open your eyes now." The person giggled softly, it felt like chimes ringing in the wind for Alex, soothing and gentle was best to describe it.

Instantly he fluttered his big orbs open, only to be greeted with a pair of similar hazel eyes that just look like his very own.

The pair of hazel eyes only mirrored his small frame, concentrating only on him like he was the only thing that matter to the holder of those pair of mesmerizing eyes.

"What's the matter bun? Are you alright?" Abel's voice was filled with concern as his eyes also reflected his current emotion, he worriedly stroke his palm on the buns cheek hoping to grab his attention.

Right away Alex manage to snap out of his frozen like state, he was really questioning to himself if this was all a dream or not when he felt his mama soft palm gliding against his cheeks.

Hearing those words of concern for the first time coming out of the person he wanted the most lips, all the emotions in him just burst out and at the moment he didn't know what was going on as he started to bawl loudly, tears gushing down his tender cheeks like a stream.

All Alex could register was that his little body was being pushed deeply into his Mama's pulsing chest, embracing him tightly while he cooed him with gentle soothing words full of comfort.

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