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"This is really it, isn't it " inhaling deeply before exhaling Abel held onto Alex tightly looking quite nervous as he walked step by step towards a house.

"Mama, what's wrong?" Alex tilted his head and questioned, eyes gazing back and forth at his mama and the house in front of them. He felt his mama trembling hands that were gripping onto his own and he can't help but to be filled with concern.

"Baby... M-mama was a bad person before... I treated people who were special to me very cruelly and yet... they always support me and love me even when some of my decision was wrong. Tell me... d-do you hate mama n-now?" Abel looks directly into his son's eyes, his gaze full of intense emotions that melt one with his aura, his tone laced with fear and sadness.

"Mama was mean before..." Abel's eyes dimmed slowly thinking that he was now losing his beloved child trust in which he just gain not too long ago. "Even so, mama now is very good to Alex and very beautiful inside and out, I can't help but love you about... !" Alex said before pausing.

"This—much!" spreading out his tiny arms out wide until they no longer could go further Abel can't help but to embrace him tightly, clutching onto him like dear life, his eyes started to mist as a hearty chuckle escape his lips.

Gosh, his baby boy had the most beautiful soul, forgiving and accepting, he couldn't be any more blessed to have such a loving boy as his precious son.

"I love you my precious."

"Hehe, Alex loves mama too!" Alex giggled out loud from his mama embrace who then started to plant a load full of kisses all over his face before finally stopping since they now finally stood in front of the door.

"Mama who we seeing?" he couldn't help but questioned, who were they seeing? And is it the reason why his mama was uneasy from the start?

Though Alex was just a child he was quite a smart boy for having a keen awareness and perception of those around him especially if it's regarding his mama feelings and actions.

"Well the people mama never let you visit was mama parents, you have already seen daddy's parents right?" Abel questioned as he fixes Alex hair and school clothes, after all, they came straight to his parent's once the little one finish school.

"Mn." nodding his little head in reply Alex waited for his mama to continue and explain. "Mama was an immature boy before not realising what was right and wrong but now..." Abel's eyes were instantly filled with determination. "I want to make things right."

"That's my Mama!!" Alex commented causing him to break into a smile, the feeling of nervousness that fluttered in his stomach was slowly subsiding.

Taking a deep breath he hesitantly knock on the door, both mother and son pair stood patiently waiting for a reply before a soft voice can be heard from the other side with the door opening after.

"Who is it?"

What appeared in front of them was Mrs Rose whos breath got caught in his throat as his hand covered his mouth in shock, soon his whole being began to tremble.

The ger who stood there shared the same resemblance to Abel with his soft features and youthful appearance one would mistake them as a pair of siblings instead.

Abel too felt his breath get caught in his throat with tears glazing his eyes, the treatment the parents receive when it was the original living in this body was awfully horrible and the fact that the person before him had a set of dark eye bags with a pale appearance already showed that his days of living was hard.

When Abel first got here he already accepted the fact that Alex will be his son from now on and that the original parents will be his own. He wants to thank them for persuading the original with their utmost ability to keep his child if it wasn't for them he wouldn't have met and be honoured to be this precious boys mama.

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