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"Mmm— Mama pancakes is the best!" Alex hummed in delight, savouring his mother's cooking with a look of pure bliss right early in the morning.

"Of course it is baby! After all it is I who made them!" Abel smugly boast, his chest was currently puffed up high in the air like a peacock, you could tell he was utterly filled with pride and joy.

It was obvious that the Ger ego was given a boost by the little one honey coated words.

With a belly full of joy Abel went back to finish off the last set of pancakes. He acted like his usual self as if last night events didn't occur in the first place.

It was currently 8am in the morning an hour to go for his baby to start school. While plating up the dishes Abel hum a simple tune, twisting his hip on beat in a cheery mood.

Obviously the divorce didn't faze nor was it important to his books since he continued off with his daily routine without a care in the world. Though what does it feel like to be a single man now for Abel?

Well ger to be more precise!

To be honest to him it just felt like any other usual day that goes by. After all he's been single for a long–long time in his previous world so there wasn't really much of a difference over here besides having a child and an extra organ.

'There goes my host again.' XiaoYe sighed as he shook his head, watching his host chest puff up in the apron. 'And he was the one saying I was all cocky and stuff–hmph look who's talking now.'

Sparing one last glance to the haughty being, the spiritual beast then return back to his nap letting out a silent but wide yawn. It was too early in the morning for this and he got better things to do then to always keep an eye on his host after all.

Leaning against the table after finish making breakfast and his cup of daily coffee Abel thoughts began to trail off.

'Hmm I wonder if that man will be coming down by now...'

And with that sudden thought it didn't took long for it to be answered as seconds later heavy footsteps can be heard coming towards the dining where everyone was at.

"Speak of the devil." Abel roll his eyes, the person in thought just had to come at the right timing, well that's fate for you.

Blocking out the man oncoming presence Abel went back to focus on his coffee, he tried his best to ignore the tyrant who made his way right at the head of the table. But alas to much to his demise Damien appeared before his vision.

Don't get him wrong, he would've enjoyed the view a long time ago if Damien didn't have that stick up his arse. Damn would've been a fine specimen too, pity.

Feeling a gaze set over him, Damien look ahead only to catch Abel staring at him but it wasn't a look of infatuation but for some reason he felt it was... pity?

Damien dress in his usual but typical rich CEO business attire that basically screamed out 'Book & Busy!'

Well in Abel case it did.

But it was expected after all for Damien to dress like that. I mean he wouldn't just be a ceo for nothing.

"Damn just like those stereotypical ceos in them novels!"

Honestly Abel couldn't help but have thoughtsof Damien net worth. He wouldn't be surprise if the net value exceeded over to the billions since who knows what the man invest in on his leisure time.

'Would definitely be my type of guy if you minus the cold personality...' Abel sighed inwardly whilst sipping his drink, having a moment to himself. Just as Abel was about to head over to his seat the devil just have to open his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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