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Alex who was peeking at the door with Beth was listening sneakily on his mama and daddy conversation. Though it was bad for the young master and maid to be noisy they couldn't help it since their curiosity was instantly peaked.

Who wouldn't be if out of the blue Master Damien ask Abel to accompany him to the study, especially with such a serious expression! Ah! I smell a dispute in the making.

While Beth picks up most words the two were exchanging, Alex, on the other hand, didn't know much on what the general topic was even about, beside hearing few easy words that his dad spoke of, which basically consisted for his mama to leave him.

This one line instantly brought a wave of emotions hitting him. Mostly it was the feeling of fear that was rising within his core, it was only when he heard his mama refute to his daddy did the once feeling of fear was instantly replaced with a sense of happiness and relief.

Beth too was also happy that her Master Abel is truly committing to the bun, she knew in her heart that the master she devote her life too meant every word he spoke of that day, even if some of the others didn't believe it much at first thinking it was all an act, she still persists on her hope and belief that he fully has change.

Now seeing Master Damien actions of grabbing onto her master wrist clearly tightly in anger she immediately knew she can't stay still.

Because Damien was overseas he didn't know the matter about Abel 360 degree change, besides only info that was mainly related to his son.

Even though the head butler wanted to inform his master of the good news so badly, Abel, in the end, pleaded everyone not to tell, they didn't know why but nevertheless they headed to his orders.

Seeing Damien actions towards Abel, Alex immediately shoves the door open and bolted in the room followed along by a worried Beth who rushed to Abel aid.

Alex ran up behind his daddy and continuously punch his back though it barely felt a thing to the sturdy man, it did work on catching his daddy off guard and releasing Abel this instantly.

"Master are you alright?" Beth worriedly checks Abel wrist that was now showcasing a red mark from how tight Damien grabbed him.

"I'm alright," Abel reassured the worried girl before turning his gaze to a still shock Damien and a fuming bun. "Baby come here." he softly called out to Alex who was still punching his dads back.

Hearing his mamas calls Alex immediately stop what he was doing and rushed over to the ger side, hugging his mama instantly before grabbing the bruised wrist with care.

What can you say? It's like Abel predicted, his baby was indeed a mama boy.

"Mama, does it hurt?" Alex worriedly asks, concern evident in his tone.

Finding this was the right time to act, Abel put on a pained expression and wept dramatically.

"Ouch! It sure does baby.... wuuu daddy was bullying mama, bun!" he cried out pitifully non-stop as he swept a quick glance over at the now black face, Damien.

Damien who was first caught stun by his son action finally snap out of it when he heard what the ger said.

His eyes instantly narrowed into slits at the supposed victim who flinches from his intense gaze, quickly moving behind for cover behind his son who now stood in front of him like a shield, followed along by the maid Beth on the side.

Their arms were stretch out in a protective stance like they were in some standoff against him, the scene pretty much says it all.

1 against 3.

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