1. Plans

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I'm Y/n Y/l/n.
I'm twenty three.
I live in District four.
I volunteered for my twin sister, Jacqueline.
I'm the Victor of the sixty-sixth hunger games.

I sighed, watching the waves lap at the beach, the sun just rising.

"Hey sweetheart" A familiar voice says behind me, tugging me out if my thoughts.

I turn my head to see the owner of the voice "Hey Sugarcube" 

The owner of the voice, my best friend, Finnick Odair, smiles at the nickname I gave him what seemed like an eternity ago, takes a seat beside me on the sand.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asks

"I couldn't sleep" I say, resting my head on his shoulder. "You?"

"I had a feeling you were upset, so I came to see if you were ok." He leans his head on top of my head.

"That was sweet of you" I smile slightly, chuckling.

I closed my eyes, taking in the feeling of the wind whipping through my hair.

"You know, you won't necessarily be picked." Finnick says

"Neither will you" I replied

"So what I'm hearing is we have nothing to worry about" Finnick chuckles

I opened my eyes "Finnick"


I take my head off his shoulder and looks at him "I want you to know, flat out, that if Mags is picked, I'm volunteering for her."

"Y/n," He says, "She won't let you-"

"I don't care, I'm not letting her go back..." I say frowning "I just wish I could volunteer for you if you're picked..."

"If I'm picked, I'll be fine, Sweetheart."

"Finn... I don't want to go back... I don't want you to go back... I don't want anyone to go back"

Finnick opens his arms, waiting for me to hug him "It'll all be ok..."

I lean into him "Promise me, if you go, you'll take care of yourself first, before anyone else."

I hold out my pinky, waiting for a promise.

"I promise. And I want you to promise the same thing" He takes my pinky with his, looping them together.

"I promise" I smile slightly.

"Good" He grins

I look at the sky, seeing the sun was now well up.

"I should probably get back home. I'll see you at the reaping" I say, standing up, dusting the sand off me.

Finnick stands up beside me, and wraps his arms around me in a hug.

"Oh come on Sugar, we've been friends for twenty plus years, we've been dating since I was 15, and you still won't hug me." He smiles, holding me at arms length.

"Sorry," I sigh "You know I've never been one for affection."

"Which is why I believe you're so strict"  Finnick Jokes

I roll my eyes, "Ha ha, you're so funny Odair."

"I know, I'm hilarious" He rolls his eyes playfully, keeping his hands on my shoulders.

I smile up at him.

"Marry me." He says suddenly

"What?" I step back, shocked.

"Marry me. We'll run away, start a family-"


"No, it's a perfect plan." He says

"Finn, I have my Mom and My sister-"

"Fine, then after the game."

"What if-"

"No what ifs." He says "After the games, will you marry me?"

I nod "Yes, of course"

He hugs me, rubbing circles on my back.

"Finnick I really need to go get ready."

"Do you really?"

"Yes, I really do."

"I don't think you really do"


"Yes, my dear?"

"If I hug you, will you let me go?"

"Well... I suppose" 

I wrap my arms tightly around his waist, putting my head on his chest.

"I love you Y/n Y/l/n." 

"Yeah, I know"

He tightens his hug "Say it back and I'll let go" I hear a smile in his voice.

"Fine, I love you too"

He let's go "I know you do."

I stand on my tip toes and kiss his cheek "See ya soon Finn"


I fixed it so it was completely reader x Finnick, as I had some spots describing the character from the original draft.

Sugarcube |Finnick Odair x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now