15. The Plan

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*Third POV*

Ceaser leaned back in his chair, hand hovering over his mouth as a gasp escaped.

"Two of our most prized Victor, expecting babies?" Ceaser pushed himself forwards, his elbows resting on the table infront of him. "Who would have ever thought?"

"It's unfortunate for what will have to happen though, isn't it?" Claudius, then man sitting beside Ceaser, said into his mic.

Ceaser glanced down, then back at the camera, nodding solemnly.  Their fate didn't need to be mentioned.

Either of them would be lucky if they themselves made it out, it would be a miracle if one of them and their baby made it out. 

Little did they know two things. The first thing being, Katniss isn't pregnant, the second, being they were brewing something, they being all the victors on that beach.

*Back to our normal programming*

Later, I look around at the other victors around me. Johanna, Beetee, Wiress, Katniss, Peeta…Finnick, thinking about some way to break them all out of here at least.

My thoughts shifted to the Capitol as I sat there, the sun sinking beyond the horizon.  I clenched my hands into fists, my nails digging into my palms, drawing blood.

"Hello? Earth to Y/n? Hello?" Johanna waved her hand infront of my face, snapping her middle finger and her thumb in an effort to snag my attention.

"What?" I snapped my head towards her, clearing my throat before shaking my head, realizing I came off harsh. "I'm sorry, did you need something?"

"We figured it out, it's a clock."

"Wiress," Katniss corrected Johanna.  "Wiress discover it was a clock, and each slot is a different time, like the jabberjays, and the bloody rain."

"Okay…" I said slowly, looking at Katniss. "So, what are we doing?"

"You remember that tree? The lightning tree?" Finnick asked, looking at me, before looking back at Beetee.


"Well, there's a forcefield surrounding the arena," Beetee kept his voice quiet and low as he leaned forward, motioning for everyone to lean in. "If we can get to the lightning tree before any of us die, we could lure the Careers to the sand and basically fry them from the inside out."

I looked at everyone once more, wondering if any of the others had bothered to ask what we would do after the rest of the competition was gone.

I bit my lip, not saying anything as I nodded slowly. "Well? What are we waiting for? Lets go."

I stood up just ask everyone else got up. Finnick draped an arm around my shoulders. As we started to walk, I leaned closer to Finnick. "You didn't tell anyone else? Did you?"

"No, I told no one." Finnick shook his head, looking at the dark sky. "You're worried aren't you?"

"What? No, no, I'm not worried." I shook my head. "These are some of the best people to be trapped in an enclosed area with... I'm not worried."

"I meant, about what we're going to do after the Careers are killed."


"Just know, I will protect you with my life. You and our child will be getting out of here. Safely."


"Promise me, you won't do anything stupid, promise me you will try your hardest to make it out of here alive, with our child, as if I were out there waiting for you."

The others were ahead by a good distance, not quite out of earshot, but I knew they couldn't hear our whispers. "Finnick, I can't promise that... And even if I could, you won't be out there, you'd be here. Dead."

"Your life, and the life of our unborn child is more important than mine-"

"You're wrong."

"Look, maybe by some miracle you and I both can get out of here."

I breathed in, thankful for the dark canopy of trees. "Maybe. Maybe you're right."

I knew he wasn't going to be right.


So, I just wanted to share something that I think is funny with ya'll: I originally wasn't going to add in a pregnancy.

Originally, I had thought about it but decided not too but when everyone started commenting saying they felt like she was pregnant I decided to go with what I had thought about previously but tossed to the side and add a pregnancy to our beloved Y/n.

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