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After bumping into Percy I ran as fast as I could to get out. I couldn't really explain it, and I wasn't too sure I wanted to. I mean, asides from the overwhelming guilt and self hatred, I didn't really want anyone to tell me to slow down or whatever. That's just not how I work, I'm a do it now, think about it later kind of guy, and at the moment I really needed to clear my head and work out how I could get back to Calypso's Island. But I couldn't remember how exactly I got there.


I got out of the house and ran. My destination not yet clear.


Me: this is barely even a chapter but I felt that I needed to just put in what was kind if going through Leo's head.

Leo: my head be kinda.... I don't know, weird.

Me: yeah, but it's mainly just stress I guess at the moment right.

Leo: yeah I guess. hey does anyone know how i can get back to calypso? leave a comment on how you think I might be able to get there.

Me: hey, you should be figuring this out yourself!

Leo: yeah but this might help me get to her quicker.

Me: don't you find it weird that Percy asked for her to be free but she isn't?

Leo: OMG Percy knows calypso?!

Me: oh... oops

ALEX GASKARTH: anyways, this person *points at me* doesn't own any of the POO or HOO characters, they are in fact owned by Rick Riordan.

Me: preach it Gaskarth.

Alex g: like the pope.

Me: sorry for not updating loads and for being lazy and for this short and poor excuse of a chapter. I'll try and write one tomorrow and upload it possibly on Friday (Australia time... work it out if your not Australian :D...)
Love you all.

Fish xx


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