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The founders of the Unikingdom:

Unusual couple- Boodle and Flutterby Butterfly XD

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Unusual couple- Boodle and Flutterby Butterfly XD

They are Unipuppy's parents, as well as Unikitty and Puppycorn's grandparents.

One particular day in the Systar System, a beam of light shone and a planet appeared out of nowhere. There are two sides for the planet- light and dark- like Yin and Yang.

Suddenly, a random citizen, with the help of a telescope, witnessed two glowing lights on the planet. The beam is strong, as they closed their eyes. And when they opened, they found something unusual on the planet.

A ghostly toy poodle appeared on the planet. And before he could react, he thought and questioned about the second beam of light, and what does it mean. It was not long until he realised something on the poodle's head- a butterfly. It's size enlarged as she finally saw his face- it's yellow in colour- with bright pink wings.

"How adorable she is!" the boy exclaimed- until he gawked at what he heard from the bug.

"Heya, what are we doing here?"

The bug is a MALE.

"I dunno- and where is this place?" The ghost poodle seemed to reply.

Their later conversation revealed their names- Illumi Barksalot, and Flutterby Butterfly.

Flutterby...well...fluttered around the new place as he had an idea.

He decided to name this place- but he doesn't seem to have an idea.

Illumi suggests they find a place to settle down- as they started building houses all around the planet, since there's no apparent house there and they were very bored.

Half a year passed and they finished building simple houses on half of the place. The duo had fun. But what they didn't realise was- they begin to have feelings for each other.

They eventually married and settled down in one of the biggest houses they built- which eventually became the Unikingdom castle. It's not long till they bore a child. The little boy has the ability to fly like his mother, and he's pink like his father. The happy couple named him Ruffus.

Years passed and their son grew to be a happy dog. He enjoyed his life a lot. But, the planet is yet to be named. One day, Ruffus found a sharp stone and playfully put it on his head. Unpredictably, the stone transformed into a horn and Ruffus gained magical powers. His parents were very shocked as Flutterby had an idea. He decided to name the happier half- the Unikingdom, and the more depressing half- FrownTown.

What the happy family didn't know, was that the boy- now a teen, had been watching them for most of his time. He released a signal and with the help of magic, transported the family to the main planet.

As Flutterby asked about it, the teen replied that he'd been very interested at their planet and that he'd like part of the citizens of the entire Systar System to live there. The couple agreed and now, the planet is full of citizens- happy and sad. The teen later revealed himself to be Balthazar the Vampire, whom at that time, just reached his early teens.

Well, here's a fun fact- citizens weren't supposed to have unusual names- instead, they have normal human names- until Unipuppy commented about wanting cool names for all the people around the kingdom XD

That's why everybody's names are wacky now XD

Some kept two names XD

And yes, Unipuppy named his parents XD

Oh yeah- they're still alive as people there are immortal. About the tombstones seen in 'Hide 'n Seek', and 'Chair', they're Halloween decorations and people are lazy to put them back XD

They take Halloween VERY seriously every year. So serious- even the coffins have to be in perfect shape- even though no one dies there and they still have to be buried underground for centuries.

Whelp, I'm out of topic XD

Hope y'all still enjoyed reading this XD

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