Why Try

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I recently moved from England to Australia because of bullies. Sounds like a really babyish reason to move all the way across the other side of the world but I was physically bullied not just mentally.

My mum said it was affecting my grades and putting me down in school so she thought of the idea of moving. I didn't think it was going to be across the world but I suppose this will do.

I've finished unpacking my little bits and bobs because most of the furniture was already here.

I have a white queen sized bed, although I'm a petite girl so it's pretty massive for me. A small desk in the corner of my room, where I'm planning to do all my studying and homework. Just a normal wardrobe with all my crap in there. I have loads of clothes, probably too many of them are band shirts like: Nirvana, MCR, Fall Out Boy and All Time Low etc. Then finally some bi-folding doors opening to my little balcony which has a little seat. Pretty cute to be honest.

So, apparently this school I'm going to doesn't have uniform which is really cool so that means I can wear my band shirts. Mentally claps.

These steps are fucking huge for a girl with small legs. Did they not think this through? I finished jumping down the stairs and walked into the kitchen where I'm guessing my mum is since I can smell food being cooked. Didn't know we even had food in the house, but there you go.

"Hey mum" I smiled, smelling this food is making me super hungry.

"Hey sweetie, like your new room?" she replies with a huge smile on her face.

"Yeah, I love it" I clap my hands "so glad that we moved away from them" referring to the group that bullied me.

"I'm glad too" she says stirring whatever is in the pan "you seem happier just being in a different environment" I smiled knowing it was true. Just breathing different air not the same as them fuckers is so much better.

I walked round to where my mum was to see what she was cooking.

"Mum, you know that's my favourite" I could tell she was smiling without even looking at her. I love her.

"Well, I have to make your favourite as the first meal in our new house" she cheered making me laugh.

"How long?" I asked.

"Not too long, 5 minutes" she nodded.

"Cool" I walked off into the sitting room to discover some new things.

Mum has already put some photographs on the mantle piece. I picked the picture in the middle of the others, and looked at it closely. This picture was taken when I was 17, I'm 19 now and honestly I haven't changed that much. My hairs got longer, my eyes have got a brighter shade of blue but that's about it. I looked at myself in the pictures, I looked at my body in the photo. Mostly at my arms, that was when I went through my depressed stage. I only have scars now, my mum helped me through it.

But just because I've stopped, doesn't mean I've stopped thinking about it.

I put the picture back down as the tears starting forming at the rim of my eyes, I rubbed my eyes before they fell.

"Grace" my mum shouted "dinner"

I rushed into the kitchen at the thought of food. I grabbed my plate and put it on a tray and walked back into the back into the living room. I sat down on the sofa and turned on the tv. Mum plopped down next to me having a conversation to herself like usual.

The news was on the tv and a new story came up.

'Young girl takes life at local train station' I froze. That could of been me, if my mum hadn't helped me. I tried so hard to push those thoughts out of my head but sometimes they just come crawling back.

"One sec mum, I need a drink" I said standing up, leaving my tray to one side. I walked into the kitchen and opened the drawer and looked at all the different knives. Oh how I could easily do it right now.


I turned around to see my mum standing right behind me.

"Grace you're not going back there again"

"B-but mum" I stuttered. I shut the drawer knowing she won't give up. She tried so hard for me to stop and it finally worked. But right now I have the real urge to just cut the whole of my arm. From the top right to the bottom. The tears were threatening to fall, so this time I just let them. There's no point in holding them in. Mum wrapped her arms around me as I did the same.

"Time to go to bed now I think" she whispered picking me up. She walked me up to my room and laid me down on my bed and covered with my duvet and rested my head on my pillow. She set my alarm for school tomorrow. 7am. Early but to sort myself out it's just enough time.

She flicked the light off and whispered a goodnight. As soon as she closed the door I burst into tears and fell asleep crying my eyes out...


The chapters will be named after songs that I'm liking at the moment and that relate to the chapter.

Why Try- Ariana Grande

I really like her album and I'm constantly listening to it.

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