The Way

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20 minutes later

I quickly put a baggy jumper over my band tee which happened to be a nirvana jumper. I stuck my hair up in a messy bun and waited for Calum.
I heard a knock at the door and immediately started jumping down the stairs and walking to the door. I opened it to be greeted by a very casual looking Calum. Wearing his usual, black skinny jeans with a rip at the knees and a black tee and plaid shirt covering it.
"Come in" I smiled, he returned the gesture and walked right into my home. I never thought I'd say that Calum is in my home.
"Well, now you're here what would you like to study?" I asked him. He shrugged in response.
"Why aren't you talking?" I asked. He shrugged again. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into my living room and sat down on the sofa, patting the seat next to me. He sat down beside me and just looked at me.
"Do I have something on my face?" I touched and rubbed my face making sure whatever was on there came off.
"There's nothing there" he said in a slight whisper.
"What's up?" I looked down at him, he's supposed to be the big person.
"Nothing, just had a bad day that's all" he shrugged his shoulders once again.
"You really need to stop shrugging your shoulders" I chuckle lightly which caused him to smile "you shruggerer" after I said that he burst out laughing, his laugh is so contagious.
"Okay, Mr Shruggerer what would you like to study?" I smirked but giggled slightly.
"To be honest I don't want to study, I came round here to see you" I blushed at Calum's comment and his eyes widened as he realised what he just said and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink probably the same as mine.
"Well, I wasn't really planning on doing anything for the rest of the day soo" I started to walk into the kitchen to grab some food for us to eat "maybe we could just watch films, I have netlflix"
"Yeah okay" I heard him say. I grabbed all the snacks I could find in the cupboard and started bringing them back in the living room but I saw Calum looking at the pictures on the mantle piece.
"I see you found the pictures" I mentally slapped myself at my stupid comment.
"Is that you?" He pointed to the picture of me with an expressionless face whilst we were at the beach. That was the picture I started crying at the first day we moved in.
"You looked unhappy, why?" He asked with a sad expression on his face, I don't need his sympathy. No one ever gave me sympathy and it certainly wasn't going to be Calum.
"It doesn't matter"
I brushed him off and sat down on the sofa and set up Netflix but Calum was still staring at the picture. He picked it up and stared at it closer
"Is that what I think that is on your arms?"
The air got stuck in the back of the throat, I didn't expect him to notice. I didn't want him to notice.
He noticed me wide eyed and put the picture down and sat next to me. He gently picked up my arms and rolled up the sleeve.
"I'm clean" I said. "I have been for about 3 months now"
"I'm glad to hear it" he smiled "I won't carry on talking about it, I know it's a touchy subject, so let's watch some netflix shall we" he said rubbing his hands together. I mentally thanked the lord for him not carrying on with that subject, it was getting slightly awkward.
"Any particular genre of film you want to watch" I asked moving myself into a comfortable position. Lying down with my feet on Calum's lap. He looked down at his lap with my feet in and smiled to himself.
"Not really" he shrugged his shoulders again
"I swear I will kill you" I warned him. If you are wondering where my mum is she told me she's on a late shift tonight until 1am so yeah.
I picked the film paranormal activity 3 because it's a good film and I find the ending hilarious.
"Good choice" He laughed.
"I had to, the ending is so funny" I giggled to myself.

Whilst we were watching the film I started getting cold so I went to go get a blanket from my cupboard.
I came back downstairs with my blanket in my hand but I heard Calum talking, to someone or maybe to himself. But I decided to listen in.
"I like you. Friend way or more than that I'm not sure yet" He paused for a moment "But I can't tell you" By this time my mouth was open wide, and I was standing with my back pressed against the wall watching his every move and emotion. I decided to walk in a few minutes later so it didn't seem like I was listening in.
"Sorry I was cold" I sent him a light smile. "Do you wanna share?"
"Erm, yeah sure" I lay the blanket over the both of us which made us two closer together.
I leaned my head on his shoulder because I was getting more tired as the film carried on. It's not that it's a bad film it's just that I'm super tired. I suppose it's my fault for staying up too late on YouTube watching tutorials and shit.
He immediately tensed up as soon as my head touched his shoulder
"Erm, I need the toilet" he rushed out of the room. He popped his head back in "where is it?"
I lightly chuckled "up the stairs, first door on the right"
I heard his footsteps going up, I paused the film so he didn't miss the ending which is my favourite part.
What are my emotions towards him or anyone? Is it like or love? No I can't love, I've only just met him. I like him.
"Who are you talking to?" Calum smiled walking back into the room and taking the seat he was sitting in before.
"Oh no one" I blushed, he fucking heard me. Well, I'm fucked. "I paused the film so you wouldn't miss the ending aka my favourite part" I clapped my hands making him chuckle.
"Thank you" I pressed the play button and placed my head back on his shoulder but he didn't tense up this time.

•Calum Pov•
She rested her head on my shoulder I immediately felt myself tense up. What is she doing?
"Erm, I need the toilet" I rushed out of the room, I needed to escape from this situation. I don't know where the toilet is though. I popped my head back through the door "where is it?"
She chuckled, so adorable.
No shut up.
"Up the stairs, first floor on the right" i immediately ran up the stairs and walked down the corridor to the first door on the right which was the bathroom. I walked in and was surprised at how big the bathroom actually is.
I did my business and washed my hands, I didn't actually need to go to the toilet I just needed to get away.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror. She could change me. But do I even like her? That isn't the question. The question is, does she like me? If so, why? And how did she fall in love with someone like me.
I walked down the stairs and waited outside the door because I heard her speaking to someone or herself.
"What are my emotions towards him or anyone? Is it like or love? No I can't love, I've only just met him. I like him."
I felt my eyes grow really wide. She likes me. But she could just mean a friend.
Yeah that's what she means.
I walked back into the room smiling "who were you speaking to?" I took my seat from before
"Oh no one" she immediately blushed "I paused the film so you wouldn't the ending aka my favourite part" she clapped her hand which made me chuckle.
"Thank you" I said. She pressed the play button and leaned her head on my shoulder but this time it felt comfortable. I like it this way. Grace's head on my shoulder and me letting her.
The way it's supposed to be.

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