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Maths class again.

I walked down the corridor with Luke and a few of his friends which have now become my friends also. Since I've only been here for a week I've already made some pretty cool friends. Turns out Luke likes most of the bands I like.

My mum thinks there's something between me and Luke but I told her there was nothing.

"Grace guess what?" Luke asked putting his hands into his pocket.

"What?" I rolled my eyes knowing it would be something stupid knowing Luke.

"I adopted a penguin" he whispered with that cheeky grin he always wears.

"Wow" was all I could say whilst I walked into maths class and took my seat at the front.

I've learned that Calum is someone who you don't want to mess with, but I'll guess I'll do that anyway. He has no right to boss me about, he doesn't know me.

"Hey babe" the husky voice said as he plonked down in his seat next to me.

"Hi" I scoffed not even turning round to talk to him.

"Why so angry love?" he said sarcastically probably wearing that stupid smirk of his.

"I am not angry" I retorted.

"Okay moody" he shuffled in his seat to make himself comfortable before class officially started.

Miss walked in as I was getting my books and pencil case out. Today I am determined to get something in maths, well I say that like I don't get maths. I do get maths. Infact I'm most likely a nerd to be quite honest. I get most of the answers right and used to have people asking me for answers, not that they ever knew me. Like not any one of them knew my name, they just used me answers.

As the class went on Calum being the dickhead he is just had to be cocky about all of the questions claiming he knew all of the answers but me being the sassy nerd I am I had to take a stand to him.

"Okay then, tell us your answers" I smirked knowing that I caught him out.

"Oh okay" he gulped grabbing his book and started reading out question number 1. I knew that his answers were wrong because I looked at his book. He read the answer to the question and I shook my head.

"Nope, it's 100" I smiled. I looked at the teacher and she nodded at me.

"You're correct Grace"

"Urgh you have to be a nerd all the time don't you" Calum muttered under his breath.

"For your information, I like being a nerd because at least I'll get a better job than working in McDonalds like some people" I said, looking him up and down implying that he was going to end up like one of them. He just scoffed at me and leaned against the back of his chair.

Our teacher started talking about how to solve equations and shit like that but I wasn't really listening. I was too busy thinking about Calum. Crazy I know. He's such a dick but I wonder if there is another side of him, I mean after all people act differently when they're not around people, don't they?

I understand that Calum is being a bit of a dick rn but things will get better, promise : )

This chapter is named after the song 100 by Iggy Azalea(feat. WatchTheDuck)

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