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THE WHOLE SCHOOL WAS staring when they walked in. It wasn't much of a surprise to her - after all, they all had presumed her to be dead and here she was, looking as gorgeous as ever.

And well, she supposed Daichi was hard to overlook as well.

A lazy smirk was playing on his lips as they walked through the halls, his arm slung around her shoulders. She had thought about pushing it off because Alan would hate it and then kept it there because Alan would hate it. So now she was heading to her locker, halting in her place when she saw nothing was posted on it.

"They thought I'd died and no one bothered to put flowers down?" she said offendedly.

"You may rule this school, gorgeous," Daichi said as he tapped her locker, black ripples briefly circling around his fingers before it flew open," but you rule it with fear, not love."

She rolled her eyes, before grabbing lipstick and an empty notebook out of her locker. "Love is an useless sentimentality," she commented," but that ability of yours sure is quite handy."

"I can do anything," he smiled," it's one of the perks of being one of the seven deadly sins. So why don't you just give up on trying to be good and go to hell with me?"

"Believe it or not, going to hell doesn't sound that appealing," she said as she put her hand on her locker.

A second later her locker was slammed shut, Daichi's hand beside her head as he leaned forward, his lips brushing her cheek. A dark look had replaced the usual bored amusement in his eyes, every inch a demon as he licked his lips like she was a meal ready to be devoured.

"Even when I'm there?" he whispered.

"If my decisions ever had been made out of consideration for anyone but me," she said as she grazed her manicured nails across his neck, before tipping his chin down," do you honestly think I would have had this problem to begin with?"

The dark look in Daichi's eyes lingered for just a second, but then it vanished again as he laughed, playfully pressing her against him as they started walking again.

"You're absolutely right," he said," and I'm here to show you how not to do things. Don't get rid of your gluttony just yet though, I quite enjoy your company."

"I've been thinking about it," she frowned," and how exactly am I gluttonous? I'm quite in shape in case you didn't notice, it isn't like I binge eat sweets or something -" She shot him a pointed look. "- like someone else I know."

"It isn't about weight, gorgeous," he said," it's about your demands. Nothing but the best for you, isn't that what you said once? You have a calendar for the exact amount of vitamins and proteins you want to get in your meals every day, specifically constructed by an expensive dietist, and a list of at least twenty-five pages long of things you don't eat and never want to see, or the person delivering it is fired on the spot."

"So?" she said as she raised an eyebrow," what's the problem with having taste?"

"And the reason you don't see that is why I'm here," he winked," so the next few days you have to spent with me you either cut out all your outrageous demands or else you'll be seeing way more of me."

"What the fuck?"

Someone grabbed Daichi by the collar, trying to slam him against the lockers but failing. Daichi didn't seem to be feeling any pressure, easily standing his ground with his arm still wrapped around her, a wolfish grin beginning to creep it's way on his face.

Jasmina looked at the person who had tried to hit him, anger beginning to simmer when she locked gazes with him.

"What do you think you're doing, Alan?"

"Those are my words," Alan spit out," who is this? How dare he touch you?"

"You fucker," she breathed, clenching and unclenching her fist as she was ready to inflict some real damage.

"Be good, remember," Daichi whispered amusedly in her ear as he passed her and walked towards Alan.

He turned around towards her, a devilish gleam in his eyes as he grinned.

"That doesn't mean I have to be, though."

"Who do you think you are to touch her?" Alan hissed at him.

Despite the fact that they didn't really vary in height, Daichi still seemed to easily tower over him as he watched Alan with a cocky nonchalance.

"So you're the cheating bastard who drove her to her death?"

Alan paled, horror and guilt blending into the handsome features of his face as he glanced at her.

"I-" he began.

"Daichi," Jasmina sharply interrupted.

Alan looked up, hope glimmering in his eyes, as Daichi lazily looked over his shoulder.

"I would never defend him," she said as she tilted her chin," but no one makes my decisions but me. So don't talk as if he's important enough to have 'droven' me to my death, especially when I'm still very much alive."

That was as much as a good deed as he would ever get out of her.

Daichi raised his hands in a pacifying movement, his grin widening as he nodded.

"Whatever you say, gorgeous," he said.

"Don't call her gorgeous," Alan snarled.

Daichi had him up against the lockers a second later, not seeming to exert any effort as he tilted his head to the right.

"You know," he drawled as he came closer," you're in no position to order me around."

"You're just a sad replacement of me," Alan spit out.

Daichi laughed, but his easy-going mood died down a moment later as his canines gleamed in the fluorescent school light. The crowd that had started to gather around them all held their breaths as he spoke, every word landing as thunder in the silent hallway.

"Poor Alan," Daichi said," in this world it's eat or be eaten." His wolfish grin turned into something more demonic then, his eyes a faint reddish glow. "And you're going to get eaten alive."

He let Alan go then, her ex dropping to the floor as Daichi spun around and came back to her side, his arm slung around her shoulder again.

"Let's go to class, gorgeous," he said.

She didn't spare a glance towards Alan as they started walking and Daichi shot her an amused glance.

"I expected you to give him a piece of your mind," he said," weren't you a lot feistier, gorgeous?"

"I wanted to," she shrugged," but then I remembered he's absolutely not worth going to hell for. So instead of scarring him for life, I enjoyed the show you put on."

She stretched out then, aware of every admiring and fearful glance people shot her way as a slow smile crept up on her rosy lips.

"And I guess you could say I'm turning over a new leaf."

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