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AZRIEL STEPPED DOWN HIS throne, walking down the long steps towards where she was standing. A queue of people were standing behind her, all shimmering silver in the light of the flames, ghostly pale. Most of them flinched as soon as Azriel came closer, the crown of fire on his head burning as bright as his eyes, their fear tasting like ash in the air. Despite that one of them still spoke up, displeasure clear.

"Sire," he protested," she just cut in line. Some of us have been waiting for centuries now for an appointment, this is unfair."

Whatever warmth had appeared in Azriel's eyes at her presence, it immediately died now, winter frost on his lips when he slowly let his gaze settle on the soul. He raised a hand and all the souls backed away, panic visible in their faces. Jasmina however laughed, the sound dancing around the room and silencing them all.

"He sure is funny," she drawled," speaking about unfairness in hell."

"You're here as well," the soul countered, in an action which was more foolish than brave. "So get back in line and wait to be judg -"

He couldn't finish his sentence, his lips parting in a scream instead as black flames engulfed him. Through the pain he seemed to see something, eyes widening in horror, and incoherent words began to leave his lips. The other souls stared at it in disbelief, before turning their gaze back to Azriel, who was letting the man burn still.

"Just a lesson," Azriel smiled," take note. The next person who disrespects my queen will end up worse."

He snapped his fingers then, Lucy appearing out of thin air beside him. Her eyes were a stunning shade of magenta now, lighting up when she noticed Jasmina.

"So you were here," she said," I was waiting for you."

"I took her along," Azriel said. He pulled her closer by her waist.

"You couldn't let me finish my tour?" Jasmina said.

"And miss you for so long?" he said, a smirk playing on his lips," my heart was already broken by the fact that you didn't come say hello immediately when entering my kingdom." He glanced at her, smile wide. "Our kingdom, I mean."

"I've never seen you so infatuated," Lucy smiled at them," I'm glad for you."

It wasn't infatuation though, that Jasmina knew. It probably was more curiosity at finally finding someone who interested him, but most of all, she guessed it to be a way to lessen the loneliness which came with his job. She didn't imagine he had many people he could speak to privately, especially considering even the sins were his subordinates. From what she had seen she was one of the few to actually know his name and even though she didn't know why, she still didn't mention it.

"Not that I mind," Lucy said happily," but surely you didn't call me here to just chat?" She smiled happily. "If you did, we can though."

"You're right," Azriel said, waving with a hand at the burning soul," he belongs to your realm, so I just wanted to send him along with you so you could take care to punish him especially."

Lucy raised a hand above her eyes, squinting at him like his skin could tell her words his mouth didn't.

"Sex offender?" she said," or a pedophile? I am getting those vibes from him."

"Both," Azriel said.

Even though Jasmina would say Lucy if asked who the sweetest was of the seven, there was nothing left of that softness she usually carried. Her expression had grown hard despite her smile and fuchsia swirls wrapped itself around his neck and limbs, pulling tighter every second she stared.

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