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"HOW'D YOU FIND ME?" she said as she took a step back.

Looking at him, it was like he belonged on this world and yet didn't all the same. There was a certain ease in his posture as he stood among nature, but at the same time violence coiled around him like a predator ready to strike at it's prey, reminding her he didn't gain a place among the worst of the worst for nothing. He was handsome though, terracotta skin seeming soft against the forest hues behind him, venom green eyes watching her so sharply that she could almost feel his gaze poison her already.

Before he could answer, she looked him in the eye, eyebrows raised. "Don't tell me you all have an inbuild GPS for me or something, although that would explain a lot."

"What?" he said with a frown," no. I didn't follow you, I was here first."

"You walked by yourself to a deserted space on the far end of my property," she repeated," to do what?"

"Get some peace and quiet before I was forced to join you all," he sighed," you ruined my plan though."

"Hey," she said," if I'm not able to get some peace and quiet, you aren't either."

He scowled at her, before pushing himself off the tree.

"I don't think you get it," he said," Ira tries to fight with me as soon as I'm in his proximity, Gula just makes a mess out of everything and Superbia hates my guts."

"That's exactly how it is for me as well," she smiled at him," so let's bear it together, alright?"

"Absolutely not," he said without skipping a beat.

She rolled her eyes, but when he didn't make any attempts to leave she just walked towards the water again. His eyes followed her curiously and she rose her hand up towards him, palm open.

"Give me your jacket," she said.

"Why would I?" he frowned.

"Because I don't want to ruin my skirt any more than this," she said as she waved a hand at the slight grass stains on it.

"Hell no," he said.

"It's Prada," she said.

"I don't care!"

"I swear, all you sins are so stubborn," she sighed, before batting her eyelashes at him and flashing him her sweetest smile," please?"

"You think that'll work?" he scoffed.

She lowered her gaze then, biting her lip as she let melancholy seep through her voice.

"That was rude of me," she said softly," I just - I don't know, ever since I died, everything has been so hard."

She swallowed then as she wrapped her arms around herself, looking at him as she spoke.

"Do you know what it's like to die and not have anyone care?" she said, a sob catching in her throat.

He blinked, faint horror visible on his face as he watched her. A second later he had shrugged his jacket off and thrown it at her, discomfort coloring his eyes as he turned his head away.

"Here," he said.

A moment of silence passed between them as she picked the jacket up and he glanced at her worriedly.

"Gosh, you're a doll," she said then, all signs of sadness gone as she smiled at him and blew him a kiss," thank you."

"What?" he said as he looked back at her, baffled.

"You're quite soft for a sin, you know," she said as she placed the jacket down and sat on it," not that I'm complaining."

"You were just - tears - how" he stammered.

"Oh, that," she said easily," I was lying."

"You!" he began, huffing before he folded his arms over each other," you're a horrible person, you know that?"

"I do," she said with a pleased smile," but aren't those the best kind of people?"

"You're using that quote out of context," he said.

"What would you know?" she said," you've been in hell."

He got quiet then and she blinked in surprise at his reaction, before a sigh left her lips.

"Alright," she said," that was uncalled for. I'm sure you're an angel. Now - are you ever going to give me your name or am I going to have to call you stalking stranger forever?"

"You haven't called me stalking stranger," he said, before emphasizing," and I am not."

"Yet," she finished his sentence," but I'm sure it's a nickname that's going to stick with the other sins."

His eyes widened slightly and she could just see him imagining it. Before he could think any more she continued on, a pleasant smile on her face the whole time.

"Besides, the rest of them have all told me their human names already."

"They have?" he said, faltering for a moment.

"Yeah," she said," so it'll be Gio, Daichi and stalking stranger."

"Okay, damn, stop calling me that," he said with a wave of his hand," it's Victor."

"Nice to meet you, Vic," she smiled," I'm Jasmina Nawar."

"I know," he deadpanned," the devil personally introduced you to us, I think I'd remember."

"I do suppose I leave a lasting impression," she said.

"Not what I wanted you to get out of that," he muttered.

"Well, let's go back," she said as she rose to her feet," our alone time is gone anyway."

"Do we have to?" he frowned.

She neared him then, placing a sympathethic hand on his shoulder.

"Yes," she said," because I hate nature."

He scoffed, before his eyes locked on his now dirty jacket.

"You literally just sat down for a few seconds!" he exclamated," couldn't you just have stood?"

"No," she smiled.

The walk back was filled with a lot of bickering and once Jasmina opened the front door, she almost was tackled.

"Jesus, Daichi, get off me," she said as the sin enveloped her in a hug.

"You left me behind," he pouted," I didn't want to risk losing my snacks, but you didn't say anything about waiting for you."

He glanced at Victor then, eyes widening as a grin lit up his face.

"Invidia," he said," there you are, it was getting boring without having you to tease."

"Go away," Victor scowled.

"Ira!" Daichi yelled then," Invidia is here!"

"Really?" Ira shouted back, before his footsteps thundered down the stairs and he was beside them, violence already lighting his eyes up red as he cracked his knuckles," let's fight."

"What did I say?" Victor muttered at her.

"Don't worry about it, Vic," she said.

A moment of silence passed then as Daichi and Ira blinked at her.

"Invidia told you his real name?" Daichi said slowly.

"What?" Victor frowned," you all did so as well. You, Gio -"

"No," Ira said as a laugh started escaping his lips," only Gula did."

"He told my name without my permission," Gio yawned as he passed by on his cloud, glancing at them before continuing.

"The human tricked Invidia into giving his real name," Ira laughed," Avaritia, Luxuria, you've got to hear this!"

"I hate you all," Victor huffed, cheeks red as he stormed into the house, away from them.

Jasmina rolled her eyes, an amused smirk on her face as she shut the door behind her.

"Looks like it got even busier."

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