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"THIS ISN'T A JOKE," the teacher frowned.

"Then it's good I wasn't joking," she replied easily.

Ari sighed dramatically, before tapping the table twice. Gold ripples quickly spread over the wood, the floor, throughout the whole classroom. All the faces around them went blank for a moment, before they all continued talking as if nothing had happened, all tension gone.

"So as Priyanka said, be nice to her," the teacher said, a smile on his face as he nodded at her, as if she hadn't just threatened them all and then refused to give up her name.

Priyanka seemed livid, eyes ablaze as she smoothly raised her foot and put it down on the floor again with a loud thump, causing everyone to freeze in place.

"Fuck off, Avaritia," Priyanka hissed," and what's with the name?"

"Come on, dear Priyanka," Ari said as she flashed her a lazy grin," we need to blend in to this world, not end up in jail again. I just chose the first name that came into my head that was similar to Pride and it's quite the cute one if I say so myself, so accept it."

"Hell no," Priyanka said," why the sudden need to call me by a human name again?"

"Our sweet human here requested it," Ari shrugged," and she's quite interesting so I complied."

"You mean she's rich and you've always loved gold," Daichi corrected.

Ari placed an arm on her chair, before tipping her head back as she looked at Daichi, hair spilling down in waves.

"Yeah," she grinned," exactly that."

"Go sit down, Priyanka," Jasmina said with a dismissive wave of her manicured hand," it's really tiring to go over this with each of you again. I'm trying to better myself you know."

"I don't care," Priyanka hissed, closing the distance so fast it almost seemed like she teleported as she slammed her hand on Jasmina's desk," and if you ever call me Priyanka again, you puny human -"

"You'll kill me?" Jasmina said with raised eyebrows," send me to hell? Torture me? Really, you all should come up with more creative threats, because this isn't doing it for me."

Priyanka grabbed her collar then, before lifting her up as she looked her in the eye.

"I'll cut your throat and take a bath in your blood," she said, before letting her go.

"Highly disturbing," Jasmina said as she brushed the wrinkles out of her shirt," you should see a psychiatrist, doll, you have some issues. But never mind that, let me rephrase this all -"

She smiled, although it was so cold the temperature almost dropped, her eyes challenging as she looked at Priyanka.

"Do you want to live under a roof or not the following days?" she said," because I can also throw you out onto the streets."

"The gall," Priyanka said with wide, disbelieving eyes," as if you could, I would just use magic on you."

"If magic worked on me," she shrugged," why haven't these two tried it yet? I know from a reliable, flaming source in hell that I am not the easiest to get along with."

"How have you both survived with her until now?" Priyanka said as she looked at the other two.

"I just arrived too, Pri," Ari said.

"Can't both of you be like Daichi and listen for once?" Jasmina frowned.

"Daichi? Listening?" Priyanka said," are we talking about the same demon?"

"Hush," Daichi said with a grin," she gives me snacks."

"I suppose you both always were easily bought," Priyanka sneered," after all, what pride do a starving orphan and an honorless jewel thief have?"

Ari tackled Priyanka so fast Jasmina almost didn't catch it, the girl on top of her as her eyes burned with something far colder than the flames in hell.

"Repeat that," she said.

"What?" Priyanka spit out," that you're an honorless jewel thief?" She grabbed Ari's glittering necklace then, never breaking eye contact as she pulled hard, the rubies spilling over the floor like blood. "You may be a liar and a coward, but I certainly am not."

"Don't you speak of honor to me," Ari hissed, every part of her casual amusement gone as the floor around them started to sizzle and golden flames shot from her hands, scorching Priyanka's shirt.

"Or what?" Priyanka said as she lifted her chin, purple shards of ice shooting from the ground around them.

Ari leaned forward then, haunting eyes a pale gold now as she tilted her head to the right.

"Or I'll let you fucking choke on those jewels I steal."

"Now now," Daichi said then as he rose to his feet, the movement causing orange ripples to wash the ice and flames away," calm down you two."

"You should be angrier, Gula," Ari said without looking over her shoulder.

"Why?" he said," I know what I am, I'm not ashamed of it. However -"

All amusement was gone out of his face as he kneeled down beside Ari, eyes on Priyanka as he softly clicked his tongue, canines gleaming in the faint orange glow of his magic.

"Are you sure you want to talk about pasts, Superbia?" he smiled," you know how easily your pride gets you burned." He placed a hand over his lips then in mock surprise as he shook his head. "Oh no, wait, that's the rest of your family that ended up burning, right? My fault."

"You -" Priyanka began, but she had paled considerably, pain replacing whatever cockiness there had been.

"Jesus, you all really don't get along," Jasmina commented with raised eyebrows.

"Is that all you got from this, gorgeous?" Daichi grinned as he rose to his feet," you sure are apathetic to us."

Jasmina shrugged, before her eyes wandered to Priyanka.

"That was low though," she said," from all of you."

"We are demons," Ari said as she released Priyanka and distanced herself," what did you expect?"

"You're at the same level as us," Priyanka said, her usual arrogance back," so where do you get off being all condescending?"

"I actually wasn't," Jasmina shrugged," I don't mind fights at all, but that went a bit far."

"So the cold Jasmina Nawar possesses a heart after all?" Daichi grinned," do you feel pity for us poor, unlucky souls?"

"Fuck pity," she said," I think you're all fucked up in the head thanks to years of being locked up in hell."

All the sins tensed, but before any of them could react Jasmina continued.

"But whatever," she said," so am I."

Priyanka parted her lips, her scowl softening a bit, but before any of them could say anything a loud sound of something breaking resounded throughout the school. Jasmina looked down at the floor with a frown, only to see red veins course over the gray, cracks appearing everywhere in the building.

"Ah," Daichi smiled," looks like our dear Ira is here."

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