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HE COULDN'T DECIPHER THE look in Priyanka's eyes as she locked gazes with him.

"Can't you see?" he said as he lifted his arms and her with them," carrying her to bed. The poor thing was fatigued."

"Don't lie to me," Priyanka said," I can smell Acedia's magic from miles away and we all know he listens to few. Why'd you involve him to get this human to fall asleep?"

"What?" Daichi smiled," is this about your soft spot for Acedia? Don't worry, you can have him all to yourself."

A blush colored Priyanka's cheeks as she quickly shook her head, dark locks flying around her as purple ice threateningly shot out of the ground beside him.

"Do you have a death wish?" she said.

"I think you forget, Superbia," he said," we are already dead."

She parted her lips and for a brief moment she was younger, hair in a short bob and eyes young and soft, second-degree burns covering her hands and third-degree burns still scorching her heart.

"If only," she said then, a hint of heartbreak in her voice.

"Well," he said," what do you want from me?"

"What do you want from her, Gula?" Priyanka said," you do know she should remain here. She's human and once she fulfills her end of the deal, the devil will make her forget all about us."

"Once?" Daichi said," you sure do have a lot of faith in her. And that while I thought you hated her the most."

"I don't hate her," Priyanka said," I just don't want her to involve herself any more with demons than she already has. We are pure evil, Gula, don't you know that?"

"Now, I wouldn't give myself that much credit," he said.

"You were an assassin and a thief," she said.

He flinched. Memories came flooding back for a moment, his bleeding feet as he ran away through dark alleyways with just a simple piece of bread in his hand, all the food he had managed to acquire for the week. A growling stomach, a broken heart, a forgotten child.

"I was hungry and alone," he said," what should I have done?"

"I'm a prideful fool and a murderer," she said," we all carry sins. She doesn't yet."

"She will," Daichi said," Ari said so herself and you know her predictions are never wrong. Before she will be twenty, she will be involved with countless murders her parents instigated, before she will be thirty she will have committed more crimes than the amount of money she has to her name. She's a criminal in the making, she belongs with us."

"You're getting too attached already," Priyanka said.

"You set your pride aside to tell me that?" he said.

Priyanka let out an irritates sigh as she waved a hand, the purple shards of ice immediately retracting into the ground as she turned around.

"There's no getting through to you," she said," just do whatever you want then, I don't care."

"I was already doing whatever I wanted anyway," Daichi called out after her.

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