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A FALL FROM GRACE, that's what the papers called it. The title was fitting, just like his broken bones and bruised face, the sight alone giving a certain troubled glimmer to Alan's eyes. She knew it wasn't because he loved his father that he felt bad, but letting go of the strict values that had been repeated his entire life wasn't easy, especially when they were beaten into him with more than just words.

She looked at where he was sitting opposite her in the limo, his posture tense and breathing fast. They were in front of the hospital, but Alan hadn't made a move to step out in the entire five minutes they had been parked here. It wasn't that surprising; there weren't many people who would be eager to walk right into the flurry of paparazzi waiting in front of the entrance, all ready to jump at him as soon as he was spotted. Still, that was why she had come, to support him in a way - and more importantly, to show to the world that even though his father might have gone insane, the Nawars still backed his son.

"I don't know if I can go in," Alan murmured, eyes fixated on his hands.

"You don't have to," she said, leaning back and glancing out of the tinted windows," you know this is just a bonus, them seeing you here to be by that man's side when he's down. You're the new head of the company either way."

Alan laughed, though there was no humor in his voice. "It's not like you to try to be nice, Jas. We both know this isn't a bonus in any way. I need to go in to show my father's business associates that I'm a compassionate son who is level-headed and reliable, not some eighteen year old who abandones his parents in a time of need."

"You're right," she said, leaning her cheek on her hand as she locked gazes with him," but you also have lived in this world your entire life. Manipulating a few old men surely isn't too hard."

"No, it won't be," Alan agreed, a certain fatigue wearing at his usual arrogance," but you've already set up this entire plan, I might as well just do my part."

She didn't stop him as he opened the door, instead applying her lipstick as he stepped out. He waited by the door, offering her his elbow, and she followed gracefully, smiling at the reporters. They swarmed around them immediately, like piranhas to blood, but the bodyguards that had been waiting outside the limo kept them away before they practically tackled Alan. Their questions fired at them all at once, each one shouting above the other as they hurried to follow her and Alan to the entrance.

"What do you both have to say about CEO Lewis' display last night?"

"Alan! Alan, look over here!"

"Is it true he had something stronger than wine that night?"

"Are you taking your father's position, Alan?"

Jasmina leaned in to Alan, pretending to give him a kiss on the cheek as she whispered to him. "Go on, I'll handle this. Wait for me in the hallway, you don't actually have to see him."

"I have to," Alan murmured back.

She didn't protest, Alan continuing to walk to the entrance alone. He only took two steps before he stopped, causing her to raise an eyebrow at him in a silent question. In the fluorescent hospital lights he was a mirage of the guy he used to be, so high up that he couldn't even see the clouds, but when he smiled at her he looked sincerely happy, relief washing over him like sun rays.

"You've always been my best friend, Jas," he said," I'm glad we can talk again."

Her gaze remained on his, interlaced with memories and golden days.

"Me too."

He beamed at her and she turned back to the crowd, knowing she didn't need to go in anymore now he was visiting his father. Alan never was the type to like company in his dark moments and the conversation he was going to have was one he needed to have alone. Even without him saying that she knew, because for a long while she had known him better than anyone else and not even her now dulled anger could take away from that.

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