14. Unrequired Love

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** Becky's Pov **

I have to get out of here before he wakes up.

I texted serge to me at starbucks for brunch.

I gently removed his arm around me.

I looked at him, his still sleeping soundly.

I tip pee toe my way into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, got dressed.

I raced downstairs.

I made myself something to eat, I successfully left the house without him awaking up.

I know his going to be really mad, when wakes up but I have to do this.

I arrived to Starbucks, Serge's already there with a coffee on his hand.

"Thank you so much for meeting me here, serge" I greeted him.

"I see that you're off the market" he gazed at my left hand.

"u-um, yea that why I came to talk to you about" I replied uncomfortably as I sat down.

** Matt Pov **

I woke up to an empty bed.

I touched the bed again, to be sure.

Clearly, I must be dreaming.

She slept in my arms last night.

"Becky, sweetheart were are you? I asked to an empty room.

I picked up my cell and dialed her number.

Unsuccessfully, it went to voicemail.

I looked everywhere, she nowhere to be found.

I texted Janeplle, if she knows her whereabouts.

I made myself coffee.

I glanced at an old scotch on my table. it's been months since I actually drank like I used too.

I smiled.

She really did really change me.

My phone buzzed .

"Janelle, where she is?! I asked her without greeting first.

She pauses.

"Janelle, please tell me" I waited for her to responses.

"She went to see an old friend of her at Starbucks, but I don't think--" I cut her off.

"I will talk to you later" I hung up, grabbed my keys.

Why didn't she tell me anything, God I hope she's okay.

** Becky's Pov **

"Serge, it would have never worked between--"

"Becky, you've never gave me chance at all" he interrupts me.

"and now pretty boy has you wrapped around his finger" he scowled with his thick Nigerian accent.

"Good bye, serge" I replied grabbing my purse.

"Wait, becky I'm sorry about that. Don't leave" he grabs my wrist tightly.

"Get you're hands of her" I hear an angry voice says behind me.

"M-matt, what are you doing here?" I asked him. I'm afraid to look at him.

"Save it, becky" he ignores my question.

"and you, if you ever put you're hands on her, again. You will regret it" he sneered at him, then grabs me by my arm and walk me straight to his car.

"M-Matt, I know I was wrong for not telling you about serge,

but I'm a grown woman, I don't need you to babysit me okay" I removed my arm from him.

"Are you serious right now, becky" he stopped and face me.

"Were getting married in 5 weeks and you didn't think I needed to know about you're ex-boyfriend" he added.

"I was going to tell you about it, and we never dated, matt I don't have any feelings for him, okay" my voice breaks.

Why am I crying.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry too. I should have trusted you more" he pulls into his embrace.

We stood there for a while.

"Um, matt you do know that we have an meeting with Reverend Kennedy today" I reminded him.

"I know, but let's go home first, I'm starving" he kissed my forehead.

In 5 weeks, I will officilally be mrs. leonardo.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, and for those who don't know I do work and go to school. So, it depends when I'm off, or have time to upload. Make sure to VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! & If you haven't Check out "Finding you" I will upload that today too, Okay bye<333 Vote Comment Share !!!

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