2. Different {Revised} ✔

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* Matt Pov *

"I don't know why my mother insists that I go to church with her."

I'm twenty-seven years of age, yet she still treats me like a child. Things would've been different if my father was present. Then he could've gone to church with her.

There's no way I can escape this so will be going with her anyways because she doesn't have anybody left but me.

And I can't stomach to say "No" to the woman that brought me into this world. She means everything to me.

Ever since the accident, I've grown to feel a sense of responsibility as if only I can keep everyone together. We messed up back then. In a way, I 'm trying to prevent us from going back to those dark days. Until this day I still blame myself for it.

As the real loving my mother is she believes that things happen the way they should. There was nothing anyone could've done. Well, the big man didn't take matters into his hands. Where was he when the car that caused my father's death hit us? Let us all unconscious. Is he not the God that can make the impossible to possible?! Why didn't he saved my father as he took his last breath as he rushed to the hospital?!

Yeah, that's why I think "church" is just some funny business stuff mess with people's mind. Everyone claims that "God is good" all the time. But they forgot to mention that when you need him the most. It's like he's not even there. Where was God when the unacceptable things that happened in my life?

No eighteen year old should ever experience such traumatized event. I had to grow up so fast for my family and in the blink of an eye. I lost everything. At the age of eighteen, I had taken over the companies that my father owned. Deep down I felt that it was the least I could do with carrying out his legacy. Otherwise, everything that he worked so hard to build would've gone to waste.

But what does the church have in store for me that I don't already have?

I'm rich, handsome, and women love me. And I'm quite satisfied with my life.

"When are you going to settle down, my son? I know those good for nothing women are only after your money. Including that woman, Amy Adams, I'm anxious about you," she says wearily. My mother raised my chin so I can face her.

"I know what I'm doing, mother," I answered.

"Oh really? Then why haven't you given me what I want." she raised her brows as she waited for a reply.

"And what is that, mother?" I asked, knowing well to what she was referring.

"My grandchildren." She replied.

"Not this again. I told you, I'm not the marrying type." I growled, already irritated with the conversation.

"Everyone is a marrying type. But you've got to stop fooling around, mein kind," my mother says with a German accent.

I sighed. Why can she let it go?

"You win. I will look for a real woman, and this time I will settle down with her. Other than just sleeping with her." I said more to myself so that she won't hear me.

"No need to do that I have the perfect girl for you. Anita's twenty-three years old. She has a degree in business administration. Oh! Maybe you gave her a job at the company. She had just gotten laid off from her job." her eyes widen as if an imaginary light bulb popped in her head giving her a splendid idea.

"We will see, mom. We will see." I chuckled. Something tells me she plotted this long ago as we parked at the church entrance something caught my eyes.

"Who is that?" I quickly asked my mother.

My mother grinned displaying her beautiful teeth.

"Anita's daughter."

"Now she's very innocent. Plus her father is a retired soldier. So he managed to scare all the guys away. Don't try anything funny, okay. He might just kill you." she points out.

I smirked. "Have you forgotten that I am a quarter German. I believe that I can handle her father just fine."

"Alright, now. Don't say I didn't warn you."

We hopped out of the car. The woman catches me staring. I feel like a teenage boy that can't get over a crush. I continued to gape at her until she finally returned the favor. I gave a seductive smile. Her body language changes. I chuckled. She is innocent, then.

I bet no one has ever looked at her that way.

As we approached them, my mother calls out after them. I fixed my tie trying to appear more presentable as if I was not.

The beautiful lady was purposely looking everywhere that didn't contain me in the picture. I'm a man that doesn't like being ignored. I interrupted my mother. If it were for another reason, my mom would've slapped me on the back of my head for cutting her off, but she was aware that I desperately wanted to get to know her friend's daughter.

"Hi, I'm Matthew Leonardo." I raised my hand to shake hers.

She looks startled.

"Oh! um, I'm Becky Brooks," she says narrowing her eyes on the ground.

I gave her a firm a handshake. She looks up and blushes. I glanced at my mother who is beyond happy about this.

"So, I hear that you're looking for a job. I have a few openings if you're interested," I mentioned.

"Y-Yes, but you don't have to do that, " she attempts to dismiss my offer.

"Here's my business card. Let me know if you're interested. Come Monday morning 8 o'clock, don't be late." I informed.

"W-wait! What's the job? Exactly" she asks.

"My personal assistant." I smirked as I walked towards the church. Leaving her utterly speechless.


A/N: Hope you've enjoyed the chapter!

God bless!

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