25. Back From The Past

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3 months later

** Becky Pov **

"ugh, nothing fits me anymore!" I tossed my yoga pants on the bed.

I need bigger pairs of yoga pants.

"I might as well wear our bed covers as a clothing material" I wailed.

I rubbed my 9months belly.

Do you know the struggle of taking a shower while being pregnant?!

I couldn't even wash properly especially my back, legs, and feet.

Matt had to come in to assist me. Which was oddly intimate.

I know he wasn't all for plainly just washing me without having the urge to do more.

Wow! I cannot believe we manage to let 9 months pass without giving in to it.

There were times that I wanted to rip his clothes off and have my way with him.

That how pregnancy hormones made me feel, I was in the mood to do that all the time. I wrap myself with a brown bed cover that matched with my brown skin tone.

"What are you doing, sweetheart" Matt comes out of the bathroom.

He decides to shower after me, to handle his manly situation.

He had a hard too, us not doing it for nine months.

"This is my outfit for today" I peered at him. He dries himself with a free towel that was on his shoulder and another secure around his waist.

"This is my outfit for today" I peered at him.

"yea, sure babe" he just looked at me like I was crazy.

"So, you would actually let me wear something like this?" I refer to the bed covers. I felt my mood swings start again.

"Whatever, pleases your heart, love" he walked my way and tried to kiss me but I turned around in time. He kissed my cheeks instead.

"Nothing fits okay! You don't even care if I looked like a balloon" I started to cry.

Then something felt like someone shot me with a bow arrow.

"AHHH!!" I cried as a joint pain went below my abdominal.


"b-but you're not due until next week?!" He states.

"Don't you think I know!" I yelled at him. It's true wasn't due until further next week.

I controlled my breathing while Matt looks for the prepared hospital bags. He brings out a red sundress with my bra and panties.

"Try to hold still, love"He helps me wear my clothing. When he was done with me. He puts on a pair of light blue jeans and the gray tee shirt.

"It HURTS, matt" I cried out. He looks around the room for the car keys.


This man forgets everything.

"Go it" he finally finds them. He grabs our things and helps me walk downstairs.

We get in the car and throws everything on the backside. He turns on the engine and starts to drive like a madman.

** Matt Pov **

"Matt, please will you slow down?!" she screams.

"If I do. We will never make it to the hospital. You can't have the baby here, sweetheart. I-I'm not trained to do this!" I panicked.

"MATTHEW ARÊTES LEONARDO!! If you don't slow down. We will get a speeding ticket! And I will not make it to the hospital" She shouts and grabs my shirt.

I pressed on the brakes.

I looked at the liquid fluid on her side of the seat. Her water broke.

"Watch out, matt!!" we both saw a car that was coming speedily in front towards us.

I stir the wheel took a left turn to avoid causing an accident but it was too late the car came and crashed into ours.

Everything became blurry as my eyes closed.

** Unknown Pov **

I looked at the couple. The male had mid inquiries but he was unconscious. The woman on the passenger seat had more damaged.

The window glass covered her body with blood gushing rapidly.

"What is wrong with you?!" The man that drove behind came out of the car. I just froze there observing what I had done. I had him followed for weeks today was the day I chose to take action.

"Hello? Hello? Miss, are you going to call the police or not?" I heard his voice speak more clearly. I was forgone in my thoughts. I want him to feel how much he broke my heart. But I still couldn't wish death on them not even her.

"Miss, are you going to call the police?" The man asks again.

"y-yeah, I-I am" I shakily took my cell out and dial 911.

"911, what your emergency?" The operator woman asks.

"I-I would like to report an accident, that I caused" I managed to say.

"How many victim?" She asks.

"T-Two. Male and female" I chew my bottom lip.

"Are they unconscious?" She asks.

I couldn't answer. What if they are both dead?! I would go to jail. It would end my career--

"Ma'am, are you still there?" She asks again.

"y-yes, I'm still here. I--I think they're both unconscious" I finally replied.

"Thank you for your help. The ambulance is on the way" she informs.

"Oh and what's your name, ma'am?" she asks. I should have run when I chance. I highly doubt I would have gotten away with it.

The man that also witness the accident was still here.

He probably thought that I was going to do those hit and run type of accident.

That what I want to do. I really don't know what change my mind.

"Ma'am, I need your name,finished" she says.

"A-Amy Adams" I replied and hung up the phone.


What a chapter!!! VOTE!! Amy, you cray cray!! I'm sure y'all agree too! Any questions, thoughts, feel free to leave a comment down below! Doing "FINDING YOU" chapter next. I will Probably tonight or tomorrow(if finish)

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