31. Stitched Together

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The first baby boy will be played by Aden (Tamera Mowry) (son) that baby is soo adores!!! he has dirty blonde curly hair with blue eyes!! & the picture of the second baby- Alyssa Leonardo will be shown on the LAST CHAPTER of the story. VOTE COMMENT SHARE!!!

** Matt's Pov **

Matty!!! I heard my name echo through the house for the third time.

"Becky, are you alright?" I asked me as I climbed the stairs.

I unlocked our bedroom door to find my wife putting on her shoes awkwardly due to her pregnancy unbalanced.

"did you...not...hear...me..calling you?!!" she breathed in and out.

Wow, she's really mad.

I have been on her good side for the past months. I did not want to be on her bad side, especially now.

"I came as soon as you I could. what's wrong, love?" I cleared my throat.

"I'M GOING TO LABOR, MATT" she gritted.

I froze.

"w-what do you mean, labor?" I responded without thinking.

She shot daggers at me.

okay, wrong question to ask a pregnant woman.

"nevermind, love" I quickly grab her hospital bags and my keys.

I helped her wear the other pair of her shoes.

"are you ready?"

she nodded.

We walked together to the car.

I silently prayed for safety and for the arrival of our babies. I drove at a medium speed to the hospital.

"were almost there, love" I squeezed her hand.

"mmm...I can't..ahh.." she did her best to control her contradictions.

I called our doctor to inform her know that we are on our way.

I also called family, and friends on the car call system that Becky is excepting.

10 minutes after, thankfully we arrived at the hospital the nurses took my wife in there care as they prepared for delivery.

"how are her contractions?" the doctor came in the room to examined my wife.

I took a seat next back as I held her hand.

"she's ready, doctor" the nurse answers.

She was in so much pain, it made my blood boil.

"I'm going need to give me a big push on the count of three," says the doctor advice.

"okay...okay.." my wife nodded.

"you can do this" I encouraged.

"one, two, three..push!" the doctor says as she waited for the babies to emerge.

"Ahhhhh!!!" my wife pushed.

"I see the head," she says.

"again, one more big push, Mrs. Leonardo" she adds.

"I'm right, love" I kissed her hand my wife breathed preparing for another push.

"YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GE T ME PREGNANT, AGAIN. I MEAN IT, MATT" my wife informs. She breathes in ready for to push.

I chuckled at my wife statement because I knew that we'll be back at this very same hospital, soon.

"Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!" she pushed some more until we heard our first baby wailing repeatedly.

"it's a baby boy" the doctor gave the nurse the baby to cut the cord.

"stay focus, Mrs. Leonardo. you have one more baby to push" she continues.

"I love you so much, love" I looked at my exhausted wife.

"Ready, Mrs. Leonardo?" the doctor asks.

Becky nodded.

"One, two, three, push!" she says.

My wife did as she was told. "you doing great, one more" the doctor encourages.

"arghhhhhhhh!!!!" Becky pushes with all her strength, then we heard another baby cry.

"and there's the baby girl" the doctor held up the baby and passes it to the nurse.

My wife rested her head back on the pillow.

"you did great, sweetheart" I kissed her forehead.

Thank you, lord, for this blessing.

"you did great, sweetheart" I kissed her forehead.

"congrats" the doctor brought the baby dressed in a blue beanie and blanket.

She hands it to me.

"Daniel Zachery Leonardo," I said my son's name as I gazed at him.

He had short brown/blonde curls with my light tanned skin.

Daniel had his mother nose only but Alyssa's carried all her mother's traits except for the eyes.

They both had bright eyes like mines, blue mixed with gray.

The nurse came with the other baby attire in all pink.

"such beautiful baby" she gives it to my wife.

"Alyssa Margaret Leonardo" Becky held our baby girl. I looked at my baby girl.

Alyssa had smooth olive skins with dark brown hair like her mother.

"there are my grandbabies!' I heard my mother walk in then Janelle, Mr& Mrs.Brooks.

"there beautiful" they all looked in awed. Becky was fast asleep with Alyssa in her arms.

"let me hold her" Mrs. Brooks gently took Alyssa to let my wife rest.

I passed daniel to my mom and covered my wife with a blanket.

Rachel sent me an congrats text for Becky and me.

She informs that she come by to see the babies soon.

I'm so thankful for her because she looked after my company when I found that my wife was pregnant, again.

But I did go there to time to time just see if it was being well managed.

"let's pray" Becky's mother gathered everyone together,

She prayed that the babies grow in good health, then she did a thankful prayer.

"amen," she finished.

My mom brought food for everyone to eat.

"Becky, are you hungry, love" I woke my wife, gently.

She looked around saw everyone at the room

"congrats, Becky! you a mommy, now" Janelle says causing my wife to laughed at her friend outbursts.

"yea, you will too, soon" my wife stated.


Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!! Btw this NOT the last chapter, I will post a sneak peek of "LIKE A WAR" on my next UPDATE. I'm soo excited!!! any questions, thoughts, feel free to leave a comment down below. again, merci, for ALL the supports that I received from you guys<3 y'all tons! okay bye;) VOTE COMMENT SHARE!!

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