3. Denial {Revised} ✔

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* Becky Pov *

"Okay, what just happened?" I said to myself. My mother grinned as she waved at her friend, Veronica.

"Well, if you're not going to marry Sergio. At least marry this one," she stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. I just met the guy, and you're already talking about marriage."

"Veronica is a good friend of mine. That boy might look stubborn, but he got his life together," she replied.

My eyes widen in shock.

"Really mom? He is the man that you're going to marry me off too. He's probably not committed to God as I am. I--I mean this is the first time of us meeting your friend so-called son. Doesn't that tells you something?"

My mother sighed. "He's a sweet boy, Regina."

My mother rarely called me by middle name, and she did. It meant that she was serious.

"Still think that I'm better off marrying Sergio because he definitely won't break my heart," I mutter.

"Is that what you're worried about?" she asked curiously.

"Well, yes!!" I confessed.

"If he knows that I'm attracted to him. I'm sure he will use that to get what he want and be done with me." I answered stating the facts.

Going home I wasted no time researching the "Matthew Leonardo" my predictions about him were correct, a bachelor, the last relationship was with a Vogue model Amy Adams.

Why am I not surprised?

They're always dating models or someone that's rich like them.


Guys like him always date models. Never the curvy brown skinned women.

What if he ends up liking me?

Yea right, like that, will ever happen so just keep dreaming, keep dreaming in love.

I sighed. Need to stop hallucinating because that will never occur in a million years.

Never says never cause your wish just might come true.

I called my friend Janelle Barnes to ask her about this guy Matthew. She picked up on the first ring.

"Hey, bestie did you get yourself a man yet?" she said with a loud tone.

"No, I have not. But look who's talking you've known John Maximus since the 10th grade. Neither one of you has made a move." I teased Janelle disliked it when I brought up her long time crush John Maxims.

She pauses. I know that she is blushing.

"Do you know Mathew Leonardo?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yea, he's a friend of John. He and John grew up together," she added.

Apparently, John, Matthew, and she grew up together also. Then Matthew took over his father company, and he has become Mr. Busy ever since. That's why I've never met him. I've met John before he got deployed to Afghanistan. He's madly in with Janelle you can see it in his eyes. He's somehow afraid to tell her cause it might ruin their friendship. But knowing them two they wait until eternity for one of them to make a move.

"Why do you wanna know?" she questioned.

"Well, he kinda offers me a job as his personal assistant. Since I'm laid off, I have to accept the job. He told me to pass by Monday morning." I explained.

I can hear her screaming on the other line of the phone.

"Wear something sexy!" she says excitedly.

"I'm not trying to lose my maidenhead on the first day of work, okay." I blushed.

"Wait, what's a maidenhead? You with your proper English why can't you just say virginity." she corrected.

I laughed. We both made a promise to God that we were going to save ourselves until marriage. So far no one has broken that promise yet.

"I will wear something that not too revealing. How about my black pencil skirt, red blouse, and black pumps?" I suggested.

"I think Matthew is going drooled all over you if you wear that. That man won't know what hit him. Wait, he will. Your curves will knock him down." she responded.

"You're silly, Janelle. Gotta go talk you later."

We said our goodbyes and I did a quick prayer before going to sleep. Working for Matt will not be that bad right? Besides I need the money to pay rent and bills.

Oh Lawd, give me strength cause it's not going to be easy being around a man like him.

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