4. Work {Revised} ✔

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* Matt Pov *

After departing from the church. I returned home and poured myself an unyielding liquid to ease the stress drinking about four glass or more. My mind wanders back to the rare beauty woman Becky Brooks.

Everything about her was fascinating. Her brown skin. Full lips. Dark eyes. Black curls that stop at her shoulders and her curves. Any man would be a fool not notice a woman like her.

I do hope that she takes my offer. Because I desperately wanted to see her, again. Finishing up the remaining of my drink my mind was talking to a woman that I was very familiar with the on and off ex-lover Amy Adams.

She was indeed a passion lover. In many categories. We were competitive in everything, especially behind closed doors. I ran my hands through my hair. And I began to call her. Part of me couldn't, as a flashback of Ms. Brooks peered in my head. Slowly, I withdraw my hand from picking up the cell and grabbed my glass instead of drinking myself to sleep.

Going to be an exciting a week.

* Becky Pov *

"What's that noise?"

My eyes sleepy opened glaring at the clock as if it was my worst enemy. Yes, it was because I am not, nor will ever be a morning person.

"Oh my gosh, I overslept!" I panicked climbing out of my comfortable bed.

My mom's fault for my tardiness. She persuaded me into driving her to the airport. When in fact, Veronica, Matthew, mother volunteered to do so.

Yea, Becky, blame it on your mom, genius.

She and my father have been living in Washington for many years. She simply came to visit me during the weekend.

Stormed into the bathroom. Got in the shower, rinsed my face, brushed my teeth. I did the whole nine yard returning into my bedroom; I placed my outfits on the bed. Red blouse, black pencil skirt, black pumps.

I Got it.

Quickly I rushed to apply light make up.

You know the "no makeup, makeup" when you can easily trick someone into thinking that one does not have makeup, but you are or when you're just feeling lazy and don't have time apply makeup.

Putting my hair into a bun finished up my look. I didn't even have time for breakfast. So I did what any person that did not want to be late for work skipped the most meal of the day, breakfast.

I hopped in my red Prius, bolted straight to work. After arriving, I got off the car raced towards the entrance's door. Then I bumped into gigantic human being. My instinct told me not to look. But my curiosity got the best of me. Slowly I gazed up. The worst decision I ever made soon regretted doing so.

Oh great, it's him.

"You're late, Ms. Brooks." He says in a firm tone.

"I...I can explain. I had to drop my mom to the airport. Due to that, I overslept. I know it's not a perfect explaination.. but it's the truth." I answered as I glanced at him.

He studies at me carefully and sighed.

"Don't make a habit out of it, ja? He spoke with very much authority.

I see I knew that there was a big softy under that intimidating personality.

I nodded. My boss pulls me towards him. Put an arm around my shoulder as we walked towards the building.

"Next time, I won't be so forgiving." He added as his deep voice lingered in my ear.

I take that back. My boss is a big meanie.


A/N Hope you all enjoyed this (edited) version. Anywho, God bless, love!

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