23. A surprise

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** Matt Pov **

"I think that's the last of it" I looked at our bags. We've stayed here for about 6 weeks now. I have to get back to my company.

"Are you sure" she came out the bathroom.

I nodded.

She held out a hand and rush back to the bathroom. I followed her there.

"Ugh, I shouldn't have eaten that leftover lasagna." she pukes some more.

"I can go to the pharmacy for some antidotes" I brushed her hair back as she pukes some more on the toilet.

Her eyes widen.

She must have figured out something.

"I--um--I don't think it's food poisoning anymore" she stutters.

"Of course, it is" I tried to convince her.

She shook her head in disagreement.

"N-No. I think I'm pregnant, baby" she responses.

"I--I could be wrong!--it's too soon" she rambles in panicked.

"Um..will you go buy me the pregnancy tests" she flushed the toilet got up to the bathroom sink to wash her mouth.

"y-yea, I will go buy them. Call me if you need anything" I kissed her cheeks before leaving.

Soon after I came back with 5 pregnancy tests with different brands.

"Here" I found her back in the bathroom.

I got out the bathroom to let her do her business. After she finished.

She calls me back in.

"What does it say?" I sat down with her. She hands me all the pregnancy tests. I looked at them.

They were all positive.

"I'm really really pregnant" she cries and wipes down her tears.

"Don't cry. This is good news. God blessed us with a child, sweetheart" I carry her out the bathroom and laid her back to bed.

"I--I'm sacred--what if something bad happens" she rambles.

"Everything is going to be alright. I will go fix you something to eat. Now rest. Then we leave okay" I covered her with the blanket that my grandmother gave us as a gift.

Ironically, enough the blanket worked. It was tossed on the side of the bed when we made love a day ago.

Nah. It can't be.

My wife is pregnant cause I was locked and loaded.

I went to the kitchen and made my wife something to eat, omelet eggs, sausage, two croissants on the side.

"Babe, wake up" I placed the breakfast on the nightstand table and lift her up so she can sit properly. I fed her breakfast.

After she finished eating. She went back to sleep. I stepped outside for a minute.

I called Rachel to inform her. She was a static by the news the will finally become a god mom.

I'm going to have to fire my wife. I don't want her working anymore for safety reasons. Rachel will take her place.

** Becky Pov **

I got off the bed for the 3rd time to go puke. I took my phone from my pocket and dialed Janelle number.

"Hey, girlfriend. What's up" she answers the phone loudly.

"I'm pregnant, Janelle. And stop being loud" I told her.

She pauses.




"Ahhh! you're pregnant already?! Well, dang! That lingerie really worked didn't they?!" She teased.

"But I'm happy for you. I get too spoiled, my little niece. It's definitely a girl." she adds.

"We don't know yet. But I know matt probably wants a boy. We will see" I replied.

I felt my stomach sicken again.

"Ugh, I gotta puke again. Talk to you later. Love you" I said before hanging up.

I vomited on the toilet when I finished I washed my mouth for the fourth time.

I texted the everyone about the news.

"We're leaving, sweetheart" he came with all of our luggage. A black Lincoln car came to pick us up.

We arrived at the private airplane and got to our plane.

"I'm going to miss Italy" I looked out the window as we launched off.

Such a beautiful place.

"We're going to come back someday" he assured and kissed my hands.

"You promise?" I sniffed. He pulls me closer to him and I laid on his chest.

I felt really tired after that big breakfast I had in this morning.

"I promise, my love." he responses before I slept in deep sleep.

"Wake up, sweetheart" matt shook my shoulders gently. I finally woke up after what seemed like decades. We were back in California. Matt called a few people.

Not long, after that, someone brought Matt's car to take us home.

"H-Here you go--sir--Mr. Leonardo" the teenage boy hands matt his key.

The boy looks terrified by Matt's presence.

Matt is a big softy at heart but he doesn't like showing it.

"Thank you. Sweetheart" I spoke to the boy.

He nods and went back to work.

"Matt, you scared the poor boy," I say as we got in the car.

"I didn't even say anything" he turned on the engine.

"You could have thanked him at least" I put on my seat belt and he did the same.

"I could've. But you beat me to it, babe" he pecks my lips leans back to start driving.

After 20 minutes of driving. We arrived home.

"Home sweet home" I got out off the car and yelled on of lungs.

"Keep it down, love" he opens the door. We both get inside with our belongings.

"Ready, to start a family?" He asks. He hugs me from behind and nuzzles my neck.

"y-yea. I am"I inhaled my breath and exhaled.

Oh lord.

This going to be a very long 9 months.


Mmmm..whatever happened to vogue model Amy Adams. We shall see!Any questions, thoughts, feel free to leave a comment down below!! Check my page for more stories!! Okay bye;) lovess VOTE COMMENT SHARE!!

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