chapter 7 - You've got a week

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  • Dedicated to LILY


We soon pulled up at a big building , all the windows were tinted and it looked like the was 3 floors high, we all got out of the car in silence, Louis walked over and slowly took my hand, I could tell he was worried and nervous about having to met management, he lead me in a large conference room with a long table in the middle, the rest of the boys were already there , they all looked as worried as Lou , Niall was biting his Niall's and Zyan was messing about with his fingers, Liam however was pacing back and forth, noticing we were there he sent us a nod , honest the room was so tense I think the slightest noise would make it crumble, just then several men walked into the room they were all smartly dressed and Paul was along with them frowning,

"take a seat Louis,Liam,guest," Harry and Kerri were already sat down so I took it I was the guest so I quickly took the seat beside Lou still holding onto his hand under the table, I swear he was more or less shaking 

"hello boys, sorry for calling you on short notice , me and the broad, believe that Louis has been single for too long and would like to get him set up," I could feel Louis tense beside me squeezing my hand tightly, Louis just froze so harry spoke for him

"So what like with a bloke?" he said it which the confidence I knew Lou wouldn't have had, the looked taken back like Harry had just asked to go swimming in bleach 

"of coarse not! I thought we agreed no one to know about your situation," that's when I snapped the man made it sound like Lou has something wrong with him like it was a terrible thing to be gay,I didn't notice I was standing up until Louis tried to pull me back down but it was too late the words were already escaping my mouth

"who do you think yous are, I may be nothing in your world , but Ive only known Lou afew days and he is one of the nicest most caring people Ive ever met , so so what if he is gay, who gives a fuck really, true fans wont, and even if he wasn't ready to come out yet in public the fact your actually trying to make him date a woman , it may be a 'situation' to you but to him its his life," my words were harsh and full of anger I could feel the full room look at me with my mouth ajar , Kerri looked at me with pride in her eyes, I have never been one to start an argument or even be in one so my words had shocked me I sat down and felt Louis arm around me , every one sat in silence for what seemed like a life time before it was broke by the elder man again

"we under stand your anger miss ...."

"brown," Harry said quietly

"....miss brown but people will start to become suspicious that Louis hasn't had a girlfriend in so long , and we have found a lovely girl for him to be set up with her name is Elanor shes a holster floor model , who I'm sure he could get used too or of course he could risk every thing and come out which could cause a failure of the band." I could tell he had his worlds were well selected to make Louis feel guilty 

"but I haven't had a girlfriend since before the x-factor," Niall's accent filled the room and management looked taken back, I take it Niall doesn't say much in these things because every one looked at him strangely

"but Niall you can get away with it your the cute Irish one," one of the younger men said like it meant something 

"does she know I'm gay?" his words silenced the full room and all eyes now turned to management, 

"no, its on a need to know basis," they said calmly that's when Louis exploded


"Louis calm down, one date is all we ask if you don't want to keep in touch then we will give you a week to find some one who will fake date you even though your gay, sound fair?" he asked looking at Lou with serous eyes, Lou nodded with a sad smile , his hand was gripping me for dear life.

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