chapter 18- Happy Birtday

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This head ache is so not worth the buzz I got last night, I actually can't remember what went down after Niall started feeding me shots, but now I have a sore head and I'm hungry. I pull myself out of bed with a groan, oh I'm so going to kill that leprechaun. I was almost out of my room before I checked the time 14;57, you got to be shitting me I usually don't sleep past 11 at most no matter what time I got to sleep at.

I waddled down stairs and straight to my suitcase that I really should unpack today, and pulled out some painkillers, FUCK WHY DO PEOPLE CHOOSE TO DRINK WHEN IT DOES THIS TO THEIR HEAD! I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge pulling out a bottle of water, looks like management went shopping for us, I downed the painkillers and some water and went back upstairs to find all the bedrooms empty except Niall's.

"Hey mate get up its after 3." I yelled from the door, Niall still lay passed out, hummm would it be creepy to do that trick Laura told us about its only Niall he won't mind I've kissed his head and check loads of times so why not his back. I slowly tiptoed over to him and sat on the side of his bed, I slowly started rubbing small circles on his pale bare chest then leaned over and kissed is back/neck gently he wriggled abit before he realized there was someone there and his eyes shot open at first he looked relieved but it quickly turned into nervousness.

"Humm-umm-Liam why um why are you here?" Niall stuttered nervously

"Why wouldn't I be here? I wake you every morning mate," I sighed leaning over to put my hand on his shoulder but he flinched away, what did I do to my little Niall Why won't he let me touch him and why is he so nervous that I woke him up and where is everyone else?

"Yeah but but I mean after last night I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore." Niall mumbled looking away from me and burying his face into his pillow, I gently turned his head.

"Niall what happened last night? I can't remember much after you introducing me to the red head because if we argued or any thing I'm sorry can we just drop it, I don't want you hating me for something I can't remember doing," I started confident but at the end my voice cracked,a look of relief? came over Niall's face.

"Umm mate could you hand me some boxers?" Niall asked looking rather embarrassed which I strangely found cute, I walked to his suitcase and pulled out a pair of green boxers chucking them at his face before pulling out a pair of his sweats for myself because I was standing in my grey briefs, Niall looked abit confused until his eyes traveled down to my boxers realising I wasn't wearing sweats before quickly shoving his head into his pillow, is Niall blushing? He's seen me naked like 30 times it's no big deal and plus I still had boxers on, I wonder why we fell out last night?

Niall got out of bed and we made our way down stairs, I did try and throw my arm around him but he seemed to shiver so I hugged him close thinking he was cold but he just got worse, were in Spain he can't be that bad.

"Niall do you know there every one went?" I asked once we had gotten some food.

Turning to me with a confused look Niall's eyes boarded into mine "You really don't remember last night?"

"No why what happened?" I asked causally, he looked down before replying

"umm nothing mate just Louis decided to take Laura and Zayn to a hotel so Harry could sneak to the airport to get the others, how do you think Zayns gonna react when Lexi shows up tonight?"

"Was Zayn and Laura really that drunk they had to be brought to a hotel?" I asked

"Yeah mate we all were,"

"Then how come we aren't at the hotel," I asked again rather quietly

"Um well you said you wanted me to um take you home." his face was glowing pink and he was picking at his nails as he spoke, did I really ask him to bring him home? shit this is why I shouldn't be allowed to drink I do stupid stuff and say things to people I shouldn't, I wonder if he is mad or what else did I say oh shit what if I 'Oh somebody's in trouble if you did' that little voice in my head smirked.

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