chapter 14 - Relax

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I pulled Laura into the club and straight to the bar.

"6 shots," I called to the bartender who gave me a look before quickly pouring them.

"6?" Laura enquired looking around for what I can only assume to be the other lads, I smoothly pushed 3 towards her,

"drink up love," I hollered over the loud base, she gave me a 'de fuck' face before downing one as I did the same.


Oh lord every one is slashed and its Paul's night off, sure I had a glass of champagne at the diner, but in general I don't drink which could be a good thing because some one has to look after these assholes.

 Zayn disappeared the second we go in the door only to appear a little less than an hour ago with Lexi, this nice girl I tried to get Zayn set up with a while ago. Now they where relocated in a booth laughing and drinking to there hearts content.

Niall is steaming and may as well be grinding with Harry, and Laura and Lou seam to be doing just that also. Suddenly a crying Lexi ran past nearly knocking me over, what did Zayn do?


"Why didn't we go out again? I asked Lexi trying not to slur my words too much. She looked so damn hot right now, I just want to jump her. I'm not sure if its the drink or what buts shes just sooo sexy. Oh and her lips they look so soft, I wonder what they would feel like? Before I knew what I was doing or before she replied with an answer to my question I found myself leaning in. My lips hit hers hard causing lust to flow round my full body, I put my hand on her neck desperately trying to deepen the kiss or at least get her to kiss back. A force full push from her end caused me to stumble back into my seat as she grabbed her blazer. She looked up at me letting her green eyes burn into my brown ones, but instead of her lively mossy green ones, there were new misty ones smeared with tears and had turned dull. She looked so broken.

"I'm so sorry, I have to go," Lexi blurred out before lifting her stuff and running out.

Omg was she crying, what did I just do?


Ah what is that god awful noise. My head is killing me and I feel vile. I turn around to find my alarm clock reading 07:02, why am I awa-. The banging noises that woke me up filled the room again as my bedroom door swung open to reveal Lili leaning against the frame with a glass in his hands. Silently I prayed there were pain killers to match the water. Liam quickly made his way to my bed handing me the glass and 2 white pills.

"Thanks Lili," 

"Its okay big man, but its time to get up. Ive made food," he smiled pulling the covers from my now freezing body, after all I was only wearing boxers. He swiftly left the room with me hot on his tracks, after all there was food involved.

"So why are we all awake," I groaned when I got to the kitchen.

"We have got an interview at 9 and we have to get there early for the stylists to get us ready." He replied while following me out of the kitchen and into the living room, where Zayn, Harry, Louis and Laura were all half awake of the sofas eating. Liam sat down with a cup of tea and a newspaper, he really is like our dad!

Harry and Laura disappeared up stairs to put on some sweats. It was easy to tell Laura was nervous about the interview after all today is the day her and Louis come out as a 'couple'. She looks so tense and keeps playing with her Jewry and honestly Louis is not much better, biting his nails and pulling on his jammie bottom strings. My heart goes out to them, having to hide who they are away from every one.


We got to the studio at quarter to 8. Laura was quickly shuffled off for hair and make up with a nervous yet excited look on her face. That was an hour and she still hasn't returned. Me and the rest of the boys were all dressed. Harry wore a navy jumper with some chinos and white Allstars, Zayn a checked blue and white unbuttoned shirt with a white v-neck underneath, chinos and some high tops, Niall and Liam also wore chinos but Liam wore a deep blue sweeter and some white converse where as Niall rocked a white polo and navy cardigan with some white supras. I had on some red skinnys and a navy top with my TOMS.

Laura came shuffling around the corner, her hair curled and her make up flawless. She was dressed in black skinny jeans that hugged her bum perfectly, a deep purple vest top covered by a black blazer, She also had on some combo boots high heels and grey chunky bracelets.

"Hey Lou Lou what did i miss?" Laura sang, hugging me tightly. She had a smile on her face that looked like a little girls on Christmas, she was obviously happy at how her stylist dressed her.

"Not a lot bebzzzzzzzz, I like your outfit it's very sexy." Zayn screamed from somewhere behind me

"yeah not a lot." I replied

"you do look lovely though, so are you nervous?" I asked shyly now. I wont lie I was so nervous in case people didn't like her or caught us out on our lie.

"yeah a little,  mean what if they don't like me, I know how personal the fans take this shit." Laura whispered into my neck. I put my arms around her again and pulled her close. I heard a man scream for us to get on set so i grabbed her by the had and pulled her on set. It didn't take the boys too long to cheer her up before the host walked on and motioned us to take a seat.

There was a sofa and some bean bags for us to sit in, Me and Laura took the bean bags leaving the rest of the boys on the sofa.

It was more or less a routine interview so far, they had us talking about the album and a few twitter questions but now it was quickly moving towards our personal life.

"So Louis this is Laura if I'm correct your new girlfriend," the perky host asked smiling widely at me, i turned to Laura giving her a smile before returning my gaze to the host.

"yeah that's right," i said with a cheeky grin.

"How did yous meet?"

"Well Harry ran into an old friend a few weeks ago who had Laura with her, Harry gave her my number and after a while of texting and tweeting we decide to have a go at something more than a friendship," I smiled brightly a Laura the whole time, It wasn't the truth but it was our job to make it look that way.

"Oh so this is Harry's fault? Harry are you trying to put out the flames between Larry?" she asked moving her gaze from me to Harry who was chuckling wildly.

"I don't even think that's passable, there joint at the hip," Laura said while catching her breath from what I assume was laughing.

"Really so your boyfriend and his best friend flirt in front of you a lot and your okay with this?" The host asked Laura

"Yeah, I trust Lou he's so good to me and everyone around him, and I know he really likes me he makes sure of that so I don't mind if he wants some time to mess about with his mates." her words instantly made me smile and the host automatically puck up on this

"so you really like her hey, care to prove it. Come on give her a little kiss," she egged on

"Naa I want to keep my privet life privet," I said giving a small smile

"Come on KISS KISS KISS KISS," soon the crowed had joined in and the boys all gave me a 'just go along with it look' I turned to Laura to find her looking at me, searching my face on what we should do. I quickly leaned in and locked my lips with hers for a few seconds before pulling away. I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks, that felt so natural for a peck, probably just because i know her so well, well i hope.

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