Chapter 24- wait so who would be the boy in the relationship

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"Hey sexy" was Niall's welcome as I entered Louis apartment. It’s been about 5 days since I met up with Liam in that little coffee shop. The week flew in really, I spent most of it with Sam and Kerri or the boys. Sam thinks I should dress up all slut like and see his reaction but it’s not really my sort of thing to be honest, Liam still thinks I should come clean and Niall, um well it’s safe to say his mind is in no way as innocent as his looks.

Entering the living room I found Louis poured out on the sofa and Liam with Niall at his side on the floor. I ran over and jumped on the sofa pilling on top of Lou, after a couple of moments of sculling about Louis was sitting up with his legs out flat and I was sitting at a right angle to him my legs in a bridge over his.

"So guys who's the man in the relationship." I laughed looking at Niall and Liam but before they could speak Louis did.

"Awe come on I think it’s obvious who's on top and who's on bottom." he snorted

"and who do you think that is then." Niall challenged

"Liam on top, you on bottom." Louis stated rather than asked, Niall started shaking his head as Liam turned pink. Louis mouth dropped open as he gaped at Liam. I mean I understand where Louis coming from Niall's a lot smaller than Liam and Liam looks like he'd take on more of the male roll but stranger things have happened.

"You’re on the bottom." Louis shirked at Liam

"Um we've only done it a few times but yeah." Liam stuttered still a bit pink in the face.

"What about in your relationships then would you be the boy or girl." Niall asked cocking an eyebrow.

"I’m usually the boy actually." I admit, shocking Liam and Louis

"Usually the girl." Louis laughed awkwardly

"So if your usually the boy-" Liam said gesturing at me "-and your usually the girl-" now he was pointing at Lou "- if you guys were actually going out who would act the girl and who would act the boy in the relationship." the room went silent after that before we all burst into laughter.

"That’s an amazing question but I think the boy would be the boy and the girl would be the girl out of principle." I chuckled

"yeah," Louis agreed.

"Have you ever had sex with a man before?" Louis asked when we all calmed down.

“Nope I've always liked girls until..." I trailed off at the end hoping he didn’t hear the 'until' that slipped out

"Have you ever with a girl?" I quickly shot back, his confused thinking face slipped away as he shakes his head no.

"Yeah same, I never saw girls in that light." he sighed

"Good to know." Liam smirked, I swear I will slap that boy.

"So are we doing anything today?" I asked hopefully, as much as I love cuddling on the sofa watching films with Louis all day, well to be polite I was bored shitless. Liam and Niall were always making out, I hardly saw Zayn anymore same with Harry so it was just me and Louis which is amazing but I've been holding back a bit in hopes he doesn't catch on, yeah I know now that I've liked him from the start and the last thing I should do is act different but I’m not sure if people get how close physically me and Lou get to each other, take yesterday as an example Louis and I were messing about one minute then bam I’m on the floor with him on top of me while he had his head tucked into my neck I COULD FEEL HIS BREATH DO YOU KNOW HOW CRAZY THAT DROVE ME? I was going fucking insane.

"Cow utters." Louis loud voice beamed from beside me pulling me from my thoughts.

"What the fuck?" I blurred

"We've been trying to get your attention for like 4 minutes."

"Really Lou 4 minutes?" I asked cocking my eyebrow at him

"Don't be so racist against the colour 4." he screeched

"Mate 4 isn't a colour." Liam began explaining but this time Louis was the one who was spacing out.

"So are we doing anything today?" I asked again causing Niall to nod eagerly.

"Harry and Zayn texted asking if we wanted to go ice-skating." Liam explained

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