Chapter 25- I'm like water, I reflect your beauty

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A/N sorry this is late and it may be bad cause I had to write from memory, so sorry guys WAIT THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, HOW DO YOU GUYS FEEL ABOUT SMUT? some people were asking but I just want to know should I or not? help please by giving me a comment yes or no, evn inbox me :)


Laura’s eyes fluttered closed as I began to lean in, softly her lips meet mine and wow it was like performing on stage but so much better, her lips were soft unlike most men’s as they moved in sync with mine slowly, sure this wasn’t our first kiss but it was the first time I wasn’t drunk or being forced and it was perfect.

“Just kiss me slowly.”


I woke up happy this morning, with Louis next to me, but not in a dirty way I’m not that much of a slut. It was way too late last night for Lou to walk home so I let him stay. Aw Lord that kiss well kisses were amazing. But where do we go from here, the media already think were together so we don’t need to come out to them, I guess we have to tell our friends and Louis family but that’s it.

Louis groaned before letting those beautiful eyes flutter open.

“Morning love.” I giggled

“Morning babe, have you been up long?” his gruff voice asked,

“Only a few minutes I think I woke you.”

“If it’s your face that wakes me I don’t care.” He purred

“Oi cheese ball let me up I need to pee.” I complained

He only pulled me tighter into his chest so we were full on spooning like last night.

“I will pee on you.” I warned

He only laughed “didn’t think you were the type of girl who has a weird fetish to pee on the men you sleep with.”

“And who said I’d sleep with you.” I giggled wriggling out of his grasp and spirited to my bathroom, locking the door just in time.

 “Let me in.” he shouted banging on the door

“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.” I chucked quoting the 3 little pigs

“Then ill huff and ill puff and ill blow your-“

“-I think that’s my job.” I cut in seductively, honestly I have no clue where I just pulled it from especially because I’ve never blown someone before but YOLO.

I pee’d and brushed my teeth before I opened the door again to find Louis outside it on the floor so I not-so-gracefully sat next to him.

“Louis are you okay?” I asked

“Mmm just are we um together or like um yeah…?” he mumbled

“Well I’d love to be together but it’s up to you.” I shyly whispered

“I’d really like that, all that’s left now is to tell the guys.” He smirked

“And your mum.” I add in “She might get a shock if she finds out your not fully gay.”

“She already knows.” He stated

“What how can she already know?” I get up and run to the bed pulling the covers up for warmth and a few seconds later Louis was next to me.

“I called her when I got back from Paris and she was able to straight out say I liked you within 3 minutes.” He said nervously, I laughed and cuddled into him.


“Mmmmm?” I was now leaning over the half sleeping Louis

“Open your eyes a sec.”

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