chapter 13- Care to dance

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"This is amazing," I blurred out as me and Lou made are way into the large ballroom still hand in hand, the high ceiling raised into a glass dome rimmed in gold with many huge chandlers dangling from them, it kind of reminded me of beauty and the beast when the ate diner.

"Yeah I guess it is," Lou chuckled before sitting us at are assigned table along with the other 4 boys, Zayn who is on my right is more or less staring at Liam and Niall who are beside Louis on my left, the classic background music was cut off and the small talk died down, as every one settled in there seats as the large trays of food were brought out. SHIT WHAT AM I GOING TO DO, I CAN NOT EAT SEA FOOD AND LOOKING AROUND THATS ALL THERE IS, I CAN HARDLY TURN IT DOWN IT PROBABLY COST A FORTUNE OH LO-

"Calm down love, I know you don't eat this food." Lou smiled cutting of my inner rant.

"huh?" what is this boy chatting about, just then a waiter placed our plates in font of me and Lou but instead of crab there were little dinosaur nuggets and curly fries, my face broke into a smile as I looked at Louis who was smiling brightly at me .

"Well just because I love you, I asked the chef to make us this because I am well aware you cant not stand sea food," he said proudly smiling at me, 

"How come you got them too?" I tilted my head to the side with a confused look, Lou likes that sort of stuff I was nearly sure of that, he had it one night when he decide he was feed up with Harry's cooking,

"because I didn't want you to have all the fun eating the dinosaurs heads off silly, now eat up," his lopsided smile never left his face wile speaking nor when he bit the head of the nugget he called Rex, within 5 minutes we were messing around and feeding each other curly fries in front of a few cameras but honestly we were doing it before we even saw them! Just then Louis missed my mouth leaving red sauce all over my cheek.

"Lou," I groaned trying my hardest not to laugh but failed epically and burst out into giggles.

"Here let me get that off," Lou said softly lifting his napkin and removing the red sauce from part of my cheek, cameras flashed as he leaned over to get the rest off and I'm pretty sure in the camera men's point of view it looked like we were about to kiss.

"Sexual tension," I laughed, using a deep slow voice trying my best to sound like Harry, which quickly caused me and Louis to burst into tummy hurting laughter. Causing the older looking authors or actresses as such to stare at us.

They moved tables to the edge of the dance floor showing the polished dark wood that had been covered by tables in the minutes before, Louis and I made small chat many asking about our 'relationship' or the boys. Soon the room filled with classical music and older couples poured onto the dance floor, one song slipped into the next and soon it was the last song of the night, we were heading to a private party some of the younger celebrity's had arranged for when this was over, I wasn't exactly dresses for a club but then any nether where they. 

"Miss Brown will you do me the honer of being my last dance tonight," Louis's soft yet rough voice sounded from behind me.

"You mean your only dance of the night, but yes Mr Tomlinson i would be honored," I replied giving him a small nod before heading to the dance floor, the song was slow as all the couples swayed, Louis took my hand leading me out, getting a round of awws as we were the youngest  out, cameras flashed as i put my arms around Louis neck and he put his round my waist, we swayed and giggled as we got into the song, i rested my head on his shoulder snuggling into his neck

"thanks for doing this," he whispered pulling me closer

"its fine sweetie I know you would do the same," I replied into his neck, he sweetly kissed my forehead before going back into are gentle sways.


I watched Louis and Laura slow dancing and although it was all for show I couldn't help to want moments like that someday with some one who loves me, oh i wanna dance with somebody i wanna feel the heat with some body yeah i wanna dance with some body with some body who loves me, I'm always so alone. I walked over to all the guys, the song had ended and slowly every one had poured out leaving us and the rest of the younger guest to make are way to the club across the street for the sort of after party, Lou and Laura where hugging into one another as they walked, Harry was trying to block out the girl who was flirting with him that's how I know he really likes Kerri and Liam and Niall where playfully hitting each other before Niall jumped on Liam's back making Liam give him a piggyback, Ive had enough of this shit! I pull out my phone hitting buttons before hitting send.

TO:Lexi <3 <3

Hey could you met me at the garage night club within the hour, i really need your advice, ill be in our usual spot ;) xx

FROM: Zayn <3

And that's where i am, in the back, its been 38 minutes since she replied telling me she isn't too far away and she'd be here at half 12, its quarter past now so she shouldn't be too lo-.

Just then I saw Lexi make her way over to me, 2 drinks in her hand, Lexi was the only girl, no the only person I would go to properly for love advice, she was like my own book of answers because she could give me any answer I needed without saying a word, she was very beautiful with her medium curly blond hair and deep green eyes but she would never admit it. Me and her stared off being set up on a blind date but after that night we ended up quite close friends because neither of us felt any thing but we loved each others company.

"So spill, who is it?" she said sitting down and handing me the drink, she knew me too well 

"I'm so confused," I said sighing deeply

"come on baby cakes if you don't tell me i cant help and considering the short notice text i'd say you want my help," Lexi smiled smully knowing she was right 

"okay sense me and Jules broke up i just feel so alone like I'm never going to find some one who really loves me and not my fame." i admitted biting hard on my lip embarrassed of how girly i probably sounded 

"well do you know what fuck it, let your wall down let people see you, the real you let your self fall in love and trust them to catch you, what do you want in a person" she said grinning like that cat from Alice and wonderland.

"honestly i have no clue, but i know that when I'm old i want some one sitting next to me telling me they still love me even after like 40 years ." i sighed thinking about it in my head.

"Zayn their is so many people out there who will love you with every thing they got because of the real you its just up to you to figure out which one you gave your heart to for real," Lexi chimed making me smile.

"Do you really believe that?" i replied trying to keep my voice from sounding weak

"with my whole heart, now lets get you smashed," Lexi sang pulling me out of the booth and dragging me to the bar ordering ALOT of shots.

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