Scenario~When they Propose

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One day Tamaki decided to take you out for a fancy dinner out of nowhere. So you got into your nicest clothes and put on some makeup.

"So where are we going Tamaki?" You asked.

"A French Cuisine restaurant that an uncle of mine owns." He said with a confident smile.

"Ooh. That sounds nice." You got up and locked your arms together.

You got into one of his limos and drove off to the restaurant, while cuddling together in the back and watching Youtube on your phone. You just laughed at the videos until you made it to your destination.

"We're here." The driver told you as he opened the back door for you.

"Thank you sir." You smiled as you got out.

The two of you then walked into the restaurant. You couldn't help but admire all the bright lights and French paintings on the wall as you entered.

"Bonjour, misour et madame. How may I help you?" A French lady with pinned up black hair asked as you got to the reservation stand.

"Bonjour amí, I have a reservation for two. The name is Tsuoh." Tamaki winked playfully.

You didn't mind since you knew it was just a natural thing he did for everyone. The lady blushed and led the two of you to your table.

"Here's your menus. A waiter will come check on you soon." She spoke in her thick French accent before leaving.

"Wow Tamaki. This place is really nice!" You looked in awe at your surroundings.

"I'm glad you like it love." He giggled at your adorable actions.

You looked like a child that had just been given a new toy. It was so pure.

"Why don't you look at the menu princess?" Tamaki pointed at your menu and you picked it up.

There were so many things you had never heard of on this menu, but it all looked delicious. Except for the escargot that is. Yuck!

You skimmed through the menu and decided on a special soup and a baguette. Tamaki waved for a waiter and they ran over quickly. He took your order and walked off. Though it looked like Tamaki had handed him something. You just decided to pay no attention to it and drank some wine.

"Thanks for taking me out Tamaki. What's the occasion?" You asked him.

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to take my special girl out." He winked, which caused you to blush like usual.

A few minutes later the waiter arrived with your food as well as a piece of cake on the side.

"Ooh. He got us cake too." You licked your lips.

"Haha. Yeah, isn't that cool?" Tamaki chuckled.

The two of then proceeded to eat as you chatted together.

"You know princess, I really enjoy your company. I'm so glad we've been together for so long." Tamaki held onto your hand and looked at you with a content smile.

"Aw, So have I Tama-Chan." You smiled back, feeling so damn lucky to have him.

"Why don't we eat our cake now." Tamaki smiled and cut your cake in half.

You were about to eat your half when you saw something shiny in it.

"Tamaki, I think there's something in my cake." You told him.

"Pick it up (Y/N)." He turned a little red all of a sudden.

You looked confused, but pulled it out anyway. You were in shock to see a heart shaped diamond ring. It was so gorgeous.

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