Genderbend~ Tadami x Femme reader

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I know this is different but oh well. I'm doing it.... Haha, that could mean to different things. 😂

It was just another day in the hostess club. Tami was being an idiot, getting her hand stuck in a vase while the twins tried to get it off. Kyoko just stood in the corner, writing in her DeathNo- I mean notebook. She has no interest in what was going on. Haruhi was entertaining a group of boys, while Bunny was clinging onto Tadami just like usual. You just watched as everything happened. The hostess club, wasn't something you were usually interested in, but Kyoko was a family friend of yours and you'd wait for her to walk home with.

Though that wasn't the main reason why you stayed. You stayed to see Tadami. She was so mysterious and gorgeous, which lured you in to her. You'd sit by the windows while you sketched out drawings of her. It may sound creepy, but it really isn't. You admired how gorgeous she was. This made you constantly want to draw her. She made the perfect model, with her tall figure and piercing grey eyes.
You never let anyone look at your sketches and if they even got close, you'd shut it, trying to play it off as you being done.

You were currently minding your business, listening to music on your phone as you sketched away. You were finishing a drawing of Tadami you started the day before.It was then that you heard someone behind you.

"Is that me?" Tadami spoke softly, in her gentle deep voice.

You blushed and shut your sketchbook quickly. Shit, I done gone fucked up. You internally screamed, while trying to remain calm on the outside.

"Um.. I uh-" you covered your face as you tried to come up with an explanation.

"I mean, I'm fine with it. The sketch looks really good." Tadami pulled up the chair across from you and sat in it.

"Oh. Um, th-thanks." Your hands grew clammy as you became more and more nervous around her.

"Can I see it again?" She asked

You nodded your head and opened your sketchbook back to the page you were on. You then slid it towards her and she looked at it intently.

"Wow." Her eyes slightly widened, not trying to show too much emotion.

A small smile grew on her face as she looked over at you.

"It looks nice." She responded as she handed the sketchbook back to you.

"Well, it's really thanks to you. You're just... so pretty." Your face grew warm once again.

"Oh. Well so are you." She grabbed your hand as she looked into your eyes with her calm, grey orbs.

You didn't know how to react and just internally screamed at the physical contact, remaining as calm as you could on the outside.

"(Y/n), are you ready to- oh, I'll leave you two alone." Kyoko had come up to you, but quickly stopped in her tracks as she saw Tamadi holding your hand.

You blushed even more as she walked away and you returned your gaze to Tadami. She had just let go of your hand to grab something from her pocket. It was a piece of paper. She scribbled something onto it before handing it to you.

"Here." She got up from her seat, heading towards Bunny.

You looked down at the paper to see her phone number. You smiled like crazy as you realized what just happened. You then went home with Kyoko and texted with Tamadi all night.

I'll be working on a request in the next chapter. Just give me some time huns. ❤ Au revoir

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