Scenario~ Period Time

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The thought of blood grosses him out, especially knowing it's coming from your lady areas. He tries to avoid period talking with you, but he'll make sure your taken care of, getting you chocolates,pads etc. He'll have his maids check on you when your in lots of pain. He feels as if he'll breakdown if he sees you in pain like that. At night time, he'll ask a chef to make the two of you hot cocoa and he'll lay with you for a while.


He'll tell you to take your medicine and go back to work. You'll ask him for attention, but he tells you you'll have to wait. You get revenge on him by leaving your candy wrapper all over his work desk when he's not paying attention.

"Are you really gonna be petty about this love?" He'll sigh at your actions.

He'll then take care of you and massage your back to relieve some of the pain.


He gets his maids to take care of you. He wants nothing to do with periods, unless he's feeling generous or just wants to make out. He'll be in the mood to do some 'stuff' and you tell him no so he becomes pouty. He just forgets it and decides to cuddle with you instead.


On your period you tend to get really touchy feely. You'll be in too much pain to do anything too provocative, but you like to make out with Kaoru a lot and he doesn't mind. He does get really shy when it comes to you talking about your period though. He'll try to take care of you all on his own, even though he feels kinda awkward.


You had to explain what a period was to him... He was mortified and asked if you were dying.

"I'm not dying Hunny."

"(y/n) chan, I love you! Please don't die." He would throw his arms around you and cry

"I'm not dying." You just patted his

The roles would reverse and now you had to comfort him.


This boy would do anything for you. He'd get you chocolates, give you back massages, comfort you, cuddle you, he'd be all over it. You usually got lots of headaches on your period, so he'd give you medicine and lay with you as you napped your headache away. He was basically your nurse throughout the whole time.


You'd usually get your periods at the same time and have to take care of each other. Haruhi didn't feel as much pain as you did though, so she'd take charge and take care of you half the time. She even cooked you comfort food and watched anything you wanted to. She's such a caring girlfriend.

I'm suffering from my little red friend, so I used it as inspiration instead of doing nothing. I'm just laying in bed, so I might as well do something productive, y'know?

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