Project- Kaoru x Reader

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This goes with the last chapter I made... Sorta. It's also a university AU. Well, I hope you enjoy it ❤

You had recently been partnered up with your friend Kaoru to do a project for your design class. You had to design a new trendy product. The creative ability of your product would be what makes the grade, so the two of you went for color changing dresses.  What happens is, when you go out into a certain lighting, the color of your dress would change, depending on the light source. You had help from a science major kid to help you with the science of it. You felt quite proud of yourselves.

"This project is going great! I'm so glad we partnered up Kaoru." You have him the brightest smile ever.

"Me too (Y/n)." He slightly brushed his hand against yours, causing you to blush.

"S-sorry." He stuttered, blushing as well when doing so.

"Um, hey.. Do you wanna, I don't know.. get a coffee sometime?" You felt so nervous as you asked.

You've liked Kaoru for so long now, but never had the guts to ask him out till now. You don't even know what caused this sudden need to.

"I'd love to." He looked into your eyes with his own auburn ones.

Success! You thought to yourself, before returning back to the project.      You continued working hard on it, making sure everything was exactly as it should be. A week later when it was due, you turned it in. You got an A! The professor loved the product so much that he even encouraged you to try and make it into a real thing. You had never felt so proud of yourself before.

"So.. Wanna get that coffee now?"

This was kinda short, but I hope you guys liked it anyways. I don't get nearly as much reads as I used to, so I sometimes think I may have lost my good sense of writing. I'm free to any constructive criticism you have. Au revoir ❤

Ouran High School Host club x readerWhere stories live. Discover now