1 ➳ In Which There's Fights

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Welcome to my first non-anime related fanfiction! Okay I want to make something clear as day.
I love Arthur more then any other characters in rdr2. But John and Micah come to mind while thinking about an rdr2 fanfiction so their also love interests. Even tho I dislike Micah with my entire being. He's one of those "love to hate, but hate to love" kind of guys.
Unedited, spelling mistakes everywhere.

Readers name: (Y/n) Turner
Readers age: 21 (bc I write better for younger readers. You see me only 17)

   You don't know how this even happened. A black eye was visible on your face, your lip was bleeding and you arm was pretty bruised.

All you remember is Micah, that sorry excuse for a man mouthing off at you. Calling you a "working cunt to the johns at the nearby saloon." That was all it took for you to try and rip his eyes out. The hate you carried for this man filled the flames every time you landed a punch on his stupid face.

  When you fist met his chest, his fist went straight to your stomach. Giving a hard blow making you gasp from the pain. Nails dug into Micah's face as he pulled your hair in attempt to get you off him. His fist hit you in the chest with full force, but despite your body screeching in despair and pain, you didn't give up. Determined to kill this bastard man, you punched him hard in the face. Satisfied with seeing his blood staining your knuckles.

  The two of you would've kill each other. If it wasn't for Dutch and Arthur separating you two. Dutch grabbed Micah by his right arm, jerking him away from you. While Arthur had to grabbed your waist tightly since you were fighting to get free so you could finish ripping Micah's flesh off his face.

"You two, stop it. You're acting like children." Dutch said, as Micah ripped his arm away from his grip. His blue eyes looking directly into your (e/c) ones. Oh, how savage his eyes were. Cold and soulless. He clearly hates you more then you hate him. But something about that savage cold look he gave you said; amusement.

  It sicken you to the core.

  But at the same time your eyes held just an icy glare and flames of hate. Your eyes were wild. Dancing around as you looked at the blond man. "Let me kill him." You growled, struggling to get free of Arthur's tight grip.

   Micah spit blood into his hand. His eyes looking at it, before looking back at you. "Yes, cowpoke. Let the whore go. I wouldn't mind killing her myself."

  Dutch stepped between you two. So, you no longer could throw glares at each other. "There will be no killing in this gang! Do you understand me?"

   Micah looked at Dutch giving him a smile. "Dutch, I understand that there is no killing in this gang. But it's so useless to keep this showgirl and her bastard child here. Their better off dead." Micah spat venom, making sure he made 'showgirl' sound like an insult.

   "Shut the fuck up!!! And don't talk about my son, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" You screamed at him, almost jumping out of Arthur's arms to choke that blond bastard. But Arthur kept his grip on you firm. Even if he secretly wanted you to kill Micah himself, but he knew better to disobey Dutch's rules.

   Dutch told Micah not to speak again to you and to leave you alone at this very moment. Which he did, but making sure you heard him mumble 'slut' underneath his breath.

   "Let's get those cuts taken care of, Miss Turner." Arthur said, as the two of you started walking towards your tent.

    You sat on your cot, holding your stomach as you groaned in pain. Arthur noticed this, and he couldn't help but worry. "You alright? He didn't hit you to hard did he?"

  Rolling your eyes at his question, you smiled while thinking about how much harder you hit Micah. "Nah, I'll be fine. Just woman monthly pains, ya know." You laughed.

  Arthur laughed too. You always seem to joke after each fight you had. Even if you got shot by an O'Driscoll you still would joke.

   "That explains why you hit Micah tens times more then usual." Arthur said, sitting besides you on your cot. "Nah, I always like to hit Micah as many times as I can. He's a good thing to take out anger on." You said.

   You sat there for awhile in a comfortable silence. Arthur looked over you wounds, tilting your chin up a little so he could examine your cut lip. You couldn't help the dumb grin that made its home on your face. Your (e/c) eyes gleamed with a playful meaner. You had known Arthur for about a year now, and you two were already close friends.

  Hell, Arthur was even the one you brought you to the gang. Arthur met you in an saloon were you worked as a 'showgirl', all because you needed money to feed your four year old son, and you had to pay rent in the room the saloon owner let you have, for a price. You were only twenty at the time, when Arthur told you working in a saloon was no place for a single mother. He was so kind to you. You would never forget the smile he gave you the first time you saw him.

   Everyone in the gang was so welcoming when you were first brought here. Only because Arthur wanted to get you anyway from an anger boyfriend of yours that threatened to kill you that very night. You weren't supposed to stay with the gang, you told Arthur you would be on your way as soon as possible. But of course, you didn't leave. Your son; Nathan. Got along with Jack and loved Abigail like an Aunt. You just couldn't find it in your heart to leave. Maybe you didn't want to leave Arthur. The way he treated Nathan, like he was his own son made your heart melt.

  Arthur was perfect. Even his flaws made him wonderful to you. You developed feelings towards him the sixth month you were with the gang. Despite Arthur being amazing in your eyes, your heart decided to fall for someone else... that being the man who was like Arthur's brother.. John.

   You never told Arthur about your feelings, to afraid he wouldn't feel the same and it would just make your friendship awkward. Anyway if he rejected you, you'll probably pack up and run away to South America. But what was really keeping you from confessing your feelings to Arthur, was John.

     "Now, I ain't that good to look at that long." Arthur chuckled. A thin line of blush appeared on your face and you prayed to God that your tent was dark enough so it would go unnoticed.

    Arthur sat up and ruffled your hair. An habit he picked up from the first time you got into a fight. He would check your wounds only to see small cuts, no real damage. After seeing about you his hand would always ruffle your hair. It just became an odd habit that you didn't mind.

  "You just got a few cuts and bruises, nothin' real serious," Arthur stated. "But ya might want to get something cold on that black eye. 'S pretty nasty."

    Your hand came up to touch your right eye. It was swollen, it hurts, and it's not the first black eye you got. Won't be the last ether. Hopefully you give Micah two black eyes and an broken jaw, but you shouldn't get your hopes up too much.

    Giving Arthur a smile you sat up, brushing off your skirt. "Thank you, Arthur. I'll get Miss Grimshaw to help me with my eye... again." You said, walking past him and out of your tent.

   "But first I want to see my son,"



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