3 ➳ In Which There's Stupidity

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Rain poured from the clouds above, drenching you and Duncan: your splashed white stallion. Micah rode ahead of you, also drenched in the cold rain. Baylock seemed unfazed by the rain and howling wind. Duncan however was beginning to get startled by the weather. He has always been a sensitive pony.

Dutch getting tried of the fights that seemed to kept happening between you and Micah decided it would best if you two went scouting together. He told you two to scout a town a bit far from Valentine... for what reason you weren't really paying attention, the only part you remember is Dutch saying the name of the town; Strawberry.

A bolt of lightning struck miles ahead, but close enough to make Duncan whine of fright. The loud boom of the thunder also making Baylock get spooked.

You patted your horse's neck gently, trying to soothe him. You looked over at Micah who was trying to get Baylock to calm down.

"I think it'll be better if we set up camp, the storm looks worst up ahead," You told him, looking ahead knowing it would be better to wait out the storm rather then riding through it.

Micah seemed to think about what you said, before spurring Baylock and turning around. "Guess your right, I saw an old abandoned cabin just a few minutes ago that we rode past.. be better to get out of this rain." Well, look Micah had some sense.

Nodding you followed him to the abandoned home.


Old rotting wood was the first scent that hit your nose upon entering the abandoned shack, you walked around the small home. Opening some cabinets looking around for at least something worth taking. But you found nothing but a few old cans of peaches.

The sound of pouring rain hit the rooftop, and it brought your attention that there was slight leak in the ceiling.. What did you expect this place had to be like 50 years old and abandoned in 20.

Looking over at Micah you saw that he quickly made himself at home, sitting in the old dusty bed while removing his wet jacket from his body. Micah's eyes landed on you, his eyes traveling your body.

"So, you don't wear a corset?" He smugly asked, eyes looking at your chest. "Or a bra,"

That brought your attention to how drenched your own clothes were. You weren't wearing anything underneath your white shirt... So, you nipples were noticeable.

Quickly you turned around so your back was facing Micah, "Bastard," You said, and you heard him chuckled. The sound of floorboards creaking let you know he was walking towards you.

If he try's anything.. You kill him. The gang isn't here to stop your fights now.

"Here, doll." Micah tapped your shoulder making you turn around, and saw he was holding a checkered shirt. Reaching out he handed you the shirt. You took it, opening your mouth to say thanks, but Micah shushed you.

His blue eyes looked into yours, and you almost got lost in those icy hues of his. Micah was an insufficient son of a bitch, but those eyes were beautiful as the ocean sometimes.. You couldn't deny that. It sickens you that you find his eyes gorgeous.

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