11 ➳ In Which There's A Promise

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    "Who told you I killed my husband?" You whispered, handing him the saddle as you mounted Baylock.

     "Oh, Doll." Micah said, stowing the saddle on the back of the black Foxtrotter. "You did."

    You were taken aback by Micah's words. "No- N- no I couldn't have." You  stammered, trying to exactly remember when you told Micah about all of this.

    "Nathan Elijah Moore," Said Micah, and you gasped. That name... it wasn't your son's.

   You leered at him, "How did you learn that name?" You hissed. Micah throwing his hands up in the air as if in surrender. "You told me it, that night in Strawberry. When you got really drunk."

    Micah then went mount up, but you placing a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "That night," You began, eyes seeking the truth."Di- did we,-"

      "Ah ah, doll. Don't jump to conclusions," Micah shook his head. "We didn't fuck, we were both a little to drunk for that." That relieved you a little. "No, just you crying in my arms drunk as a whore going on about your deceased husband.." He explained, mounting his steed. "You told me that night right after Skinny left, that you were married once and happy." Micah brought Baylock to a walk not wanting to ride fast at the moment. "With beer bottle still in hand, and you in my lap I decided it would be ever so interesting to learn a secret from you. So, I told you to keep talking in which you did."

  "Doll, you talked about how handsome and kind your man was. Always so kind to you treated you like an angel. Even if you were 30 years apart in age." Micah let a snicker pass his lips. "Guess mature men are ya type," You let the joke pass and listened to the blond as he explained about what you told him during your drunken stupor.

  "Ya, said he would put a flower in your hair every time you two went to town. Calling you his lovely little rose. But all that changed when you got pregnant, with little Nathan Jr. You were only eighteen at the time, you told me. Not old enough really to bare a child and you prayed everyday that you'll have an successful delivery without any complications." Micah paused his words for a moment, before he spoke again. "After you birth Nathan Jr, Nathan started to act a little insane, ya told me."

  You swear you saw Micah's hands tighten on the reins at his next words. "He even started beating on you." Micah voice sounded infuriated. You placed a hand on his shoulder delicately, making him glanced over his shoulder at you. You smiled weakly at him. "So, I did tell you about my terrible past. Sorry.."

"Don't be sorry, Doll. If you killed that bastard for whatever reason it was, I think you were in the right." Micah said, bringing Baylock into a gallop as he rode to Clemens Point.

"Don't tell Arthur or anyone else about it." You muttered wrapping your arms around his waist so you wanted fall off the horse. "I don't want them to get mixed up in my troubles."

  Micah nodded, "Your secret is safe with me, doll."

  "Good." You smiled pressing your cheek against his back as you closed your eyes. Micah couldn't help the slight smile on his face as you hugged him again.

  He would protect you from those men who were trying to kill you, especially if it meant he would receive an embrace as thanks.

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